Newt's Bulldog Day 2005 Wrap-up (Thoughts / Pictures / Movies)

<p>Hey all, I got back from Bulldog Days yesterday. It was AMAZING! I had a lot of fun and met a lot of the CCers (David_Rune, frecklybeckly, LindseyluJH, Garyan13, AthlonMJ, and a few others that I forget their CC names right now (sorry)).</p>

<p>One overall impression that I had was that Yale is exactly like Hogwarts in most ways except the magic part :). The architecture is amazing, there is a "house cup" for intramurals, and the campus is loaded with secrets like hidden tunnels behind bookcases and secret rooms.</p>

<p>Everyone seemed very friendly--the type I'd like to spend four years with.</p>

<p>A list of some of the things that I did:</p>

<p>We flew into Hartford and had to take the CT "Limo", which is actually a van, for an hour or so to get to New Haven. It was funny: I didn't know the people I was riding with, but I struck up a conversation with a girl named Lindsey. We started talking about secret societies and we both said something we recognized from CC and then found out that we were actually newt and lindseylu :).</p>

<p>Next, I went to the diversity dinner. The meal was very good, consisting of pasta, tender chicken, potatoes, and broccoli. I left early to go to a piano and cello concert with two world-renowned musicians. It was my first classical recital, and I enjoyed it a lot. It made me think even more of Yale to see that one could go to such high quality events for free--and these things happen daily. </p>

<p>The following day, I ate breakfast at Berkeley, which was a mistake because they don't serve hot food for breakfast (note to others: go to commons if you want hot food at breakfast). Dinner that night was very good though (at Branford).</p>

<p>The master's class with Jonathon Spence on China was very good as well, although some of the prefrosh were taking copious notes even though they aren't in school yet.</p>

<p>The police were a bit stricter this year with the parties and most were shut down shortly after starting. I didn't really go to any though, because I attended a late night meeting for a group called YSECS or the Yale Society for Exploring Campus Secrets. While there, we learned about some of the secrets of the campus and got to learn how they play the bells in Harkness Tower</p>

<p>The dorms on old campus seemed nice enough, although the ones I saw were pretty messy and it looked like the students living in them didn't clean the bathroom often. </p>

<p>The entertainment was quality, and the whiffenpoof's were especially good (the whiffenpoof song).</p>

<p>Anyways, those are a few of my random thoughts / observations on Bulldog Days. I also compiled this set of my pictures and video clips for people to see: <a href=""&gt;;/a>. I'd love to host other people's pictures if they want to send them to me.</p>

<p>Anyways, I had a great time.</p>

<p>the movies aren't working for me, but thanks!!!</p>

<p>I fixed them, try again if you want.</p>

<p>They're up now. Thanks a lot, Dave. It was awesome hanging out with you and all the other prefrosh.</p>

<p>I went to the YSECS thing too! That seemed like a lot of fun, but apparently the club is only about 2 years old and isn't as cozily tight with the administration as they pretend. But Harkness was amazing...</p>

<p>mmmkkay. Now I'm really ****ed that I never found the YSECS meeting. I showed up and didn't see a soul. Newt, I took a few videos of the a capella groups, including a nice long one of the Whiffenpoofs. If I email it to you, can you host it?</p>

<p>yeah, I have a lot of hosting. email me at dave / a / t /</p>

<p>Yeah, harkness was great... did you guys hear that they are shutting off access to it next year? WillowELN, how do you know YSECS isn't cozy with the administration?</p>

<p>Hmm. They're .mov files, and google won't let me send them as attachments. Any suggestions?</p>

<p>Send them through AIM</p>

<p>great compilation,
btw I lived in the "other branford courtyard" - magical.</p>

<p>That "other branford coutyard" is my favorite! It must be amazing living in perhaps the best spot on campus.</p>

<p>What dorm were you in on Old Campus?</p>

<p>Welch B21 or something like that</p>

I left early to go to a piano and cello concert with two world-renowned musicians. It was my first classical recital, and I enjoyed it a lot. It made me think even more of Yale to see that one could go to such high quality events for free--and these things happen daily.


I was there too! That concert was amazing.</p>

<p>The website is updated! Thanks to llamapyjamas for the new photos and excellent whiffenpoof videos (check out the first one).</p>

<p>Vivaldi - yeah it was. I'll be going to a lot more of them come fall.</p>

<p>I was actually happy it wasn't in Woolsey - Sprague was so much more intimate, and the low lighting was cool.</p>

<p>I never got to go inside Woolsey, but I did peek through the crack of the locked doors on Tuesday. :)</p>

<p>i can't believe we all were at the ysecs meeting and missed each other. oh, and i'm going to be giving one of those classical music concerts in june. you all should come :D</p>

<p>I wish I could come :(. Ohio feels so stifling right now - especially in high school for another month.</p>