NMF Scholarships: An Updated Compilation

<p>The old link to U Oklahoma scholarships doesn’t work. I found the new one and either the award as listed is not quite right, or it has changed recently. It differs for IS and OOS.
IS:Full tuition(NOT including fees which run about $5,000, for 5 years) +$6,750 (4 years)+ $1,500 tech + $1500 exp.
OOS:{Waive non-resident portion of tuition +$2,000}(5 years) + $6,750(4 years) +$1,500 tech + $1,500 exp.</p>

<p>Their fee structure is very complicated, with about $3,400/yr in mandatory fees + per credit hours fees that run from $18.25 for arts and science, to $61.50 for business courses. Since they estimate resident tuition/fees at just under $9k and the tuition part is just under $4k, it must be average fees run about $5K.</p>

<p>It is clear from the description of IS scholarship, which says the value of the tuition waiver over 5 years is $20K, that it it covers just tuition and no fees.</p>

<p>Upshot: at 2013 prices, for IS the award still amounts to tuition/fees + some extra. </p>

<p>For OOS it is a bit less than tuition/fees, and depending on price increase for next year’s tuition, maybe more than a bit. </p>

<p>Since the whole OOS award, and part of the IS one are $$, not ‘tuition/fees’, it will cover less of costs as the 4 years go by and prices presumably rise.</p>

<p>OTOH, having part of the award run 5 years raises the value for students who don’t graduate in 4 yrs. Also, the 5th year money can be used for grad school, or 4th year money too if one graduated in 3 years. It’s 5 years for whatever.</p>

<p>Here it says nonresident tuition and fees are $21,000/year:</p>

<p><a href=“http://www.ou.edu/admissions/home/resources/cost_estimate.html[/url]”>http://www.ou.edu/admissions/home/resources/cost_estimate.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>And here it says the nonresident NMF award is $98,000:</p>

<p><a href=“http://www.ou.edu/content/dam/recruitment/Downloads/12.13%20NonResident%20Fr%20Scholarship%20Description.pdf[/url]”>http://www.ou.edu/content/dam/recruitment/Downloads/12.13%20NonResident%20Fr%20Scholarship%20Description.pdf&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>So that is why it is listed as Full Tuition +.</p>

<p>Bob, that is the old scholarship info for 2013. I didn’t have that handy to compare directly, but kind of remembered it. Here are the new 2014 links. Sorry I forgot to put those in:
[Non-Oklahoma</a> Residents](<a href=“http://www.ou.edu/content/go2/nationalmerit/non-oklahoma_residents.html]Non-Oklahoma”>http://www.ou.edu/content/go2/nationalmerit/non-oklahoma_residents.html)
[Oklahoma</a> Residents](<a href=“http://www.ou.edu/content/go2/nationalmerit/oklahoma_residents.html]Oklahoma”>http://www.ou.edu/content/go2/nationalmerit/oklahoma_residents.html)</p>

<p>The estimated award is actually a bit more with the $3K one-time tech/exp, but I think it’s structured differently, though don’t have last year’s detailed breakdown to compare. With $14,250 of it pushed into the 5th year and also I believe the old award was more ‘tuition/fees’ that rises with increased costs. The new award still has OOS waiver, but the rest is a straight cash award that degrades in value over the 4 years. Or was it like that before and I am recalling incorrectly?</p>

<p>OU’s scholarship in 2014 is identical to the 2013 award. I still have the info sheet from last year to compare. Also, the $1500 travel expenses allowance is strictly for study abroad and cannot be used for other expenses, like fees/books, etc. if a student does not travel abroad, they lose that part of the award.</p>

<p>The Auburn IS scholarship is no longer full ride.Thanks to mom2collegekids for noticing this.
[National</a> Scholars | Undergraduate Scholarships](<a href=“http://www.auburn.edu/scholarship/undergraduate/national-scholars.html]National”>http://www.auburn.edu/scholarship/undergraduate/national-scholars.html)</p>

<p>Soonermom, so it was never full tuition+ for OOS then, just listed incorrectly in the thread?</p>

<p>Celeste…I don’t have information before 2013, so I can’t say whether or not it has changed. I didn’t do a lot of calculating, but just glancing over the tuition rates, etc. and the award, it looks to me that it is full tuition +, but I read “full tuition” as just tuition, not including fees (which I can tell you are crazy at OU.)</p>


<p>I’m not seeing where Auburn gives a “full ride” to instate students…not now, not in the past either. At one point it may have given “a housing stipend” for all 4 years, but it’s never given a meal plan. Now it has housing for one year.</p>

<p>but maybe there’s something stacking on top that is harder to find??</p>

<p>[Office</a> of University Scholarships - Auburn University](<a href=“http://www.auburn.edu/scholarship/national-scholars.html#NMF_NAF]Office”>http://www.auburn.edu/scholarship/national-scholars.html#NMF_NAF)</p>

<p>Regarding the Fordham award:</p>

<p>The Fordham NMF award is not competitive, in the sense of students vying with one another for a limited number. Rather, Fordham reserves the right to withhold the award, regardless of NMF status, applying its own standards. “Almost all” NMF applicants receive the award; In talking with admissions, twice, it sounds as though the primary reason for denying the scholarship is that Fordham does not want to see "C"s on the transcript. Since NMCorp has also tightened up in that respect, perhaps the standards will prove aligned, going forward.</p>

<p>Boomer … Sooner,</p>

<p>Per OU reps at NM dinner tonight.</p>

<p>OUs scholarship got a $15k bump. Study abroad also doesn’t have to be abroad.</p>

<p>OOS 1st year is now down to $3,500 out of pocket if you receive only the NMF package. $8,500± years 2-4. 5th year can be grad, law med school.</p>

<p>Here is the updated information for University of Oklahoma. Wow. It just got a whole lot better. My son’s package was good…the package this year is great. They’ve added the President’s Award (10K), Housing Scholarship ($4,200), increased technology allowance from $1,500 to $2,000 and made the study abroad stipend available for research or study abroad. </p>

<p>Resident Package: <a href=“http://www.ou.edu/content/dam/recruitment/NMpackage_2014_Res.pdf[/url]”>http://www.ou.edu/content/dam/recruitment/NMpackage_2014_Res.pdf&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Non-Resident Package:<br>
<a href=“http://www.ou.edu/content/dam/recruitment/NMpackage_2014_NR.pdf[/url]”>http://www.ou.edu/content/dam/recruitment/NMpackage_2014_NR.pdf&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Thanks, KCTaxGuy for the heads up on this.</p>

<p>Does anybody have any information on Butler scholarships for a NMSF? Thanks.</p>

<p>Does anyone have any information on Butler for a NMSF? Thanks!</p>

<p>Note that University of Arizona has essentially the same deal as ASU, maybe a little better. It also has new Honors dorms near a magnificent student athletic center. UofA is a very student-friendly environment on a classic campus. And Tucson is beautiful, with the mountains rimming the city.</p>

<p>Bear down!</p>

<p>Here’s all Butler says – there is a “guaranteed amount,” but they don’t say what that amount is: <a href=“http://www.butler.edu/Registrar/Documents/Bulletin/BU07_06_financial_assistance.pdf[/url]”>http://www.butler.edu/Registrar/Documents/Bulletin/BU07_06_financial_assistance.pdf&lt;/a&gt;.&lt;/p&gt;

<p>It looks the like amount was $15,000 in 2010: <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/butler-university/1061116-merit-aid.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/butler-university/1061116-merit-aid.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Can someone help me with understanding the Wright State scholarship? I am in state, and I received a 213 on the latest test, so I know I will be commended, and hopefully a semi-finalist. My question is whether or not their scholarship is guaranteed? I would like to know soon, because that would just lift so much worry from me. Thanks you guys:)</p>

<p>Yes, it is automatic as long as you apply and are accepted by Wright State by their deadline (April 15), are in-state, become a finalist, and designate WSU as your first choice with NM Corp. The scholarship covers tuition/room/board and books and is renewable for four years.
(Got this from their website–good luck–I hope you make the cutoff.)</p>

<p>Using the latest NMF data and tutition/fee schedule from OU, I calculate the 4-year average residual COA for OOS at $5876.5.</p>

<p>(I just ignored the cost of books etc and the tech/book and study-abroad allowances. I’m also ignoring summer semesters and year five.)</p>

<p>I’m curious to know if that matches anyone else’s calculations.</p>

<p>Wasatch, OU’s National Merit Office will go through the math with you. They are completely candid about costs that may not be covered. </p>

<p>I am so sad my kids will not be going there, although I am thrilled with their choice. We loved our OU visit, and the opportunities for NM students are tremendous. No other institution our kids looked at does as much specifically for NM awardees. Did you include the first year housing scholarship? COA should be lower the first year, because of it.</p>

<p>For those who didn’t receive the mailing, and to supplement what has been posted, here is the full OU package:</p>

<p>100% tuition for 5 years
$5,000 credit to student account for 4 years to offset fees, room & board, books.
$5,000 NM cash stipend
$4,200 housing scholarship
$2,000 technology and textbook stipend
$2,000 research and study abroad stipend</p>

<p>In addition, special NM advising and priorities, and for those who would like, a National Merit residential floor. It is fabulous.</p>



<p>No doubt. I just thought that, in the spirit of the board, it might help the next 20 people who have the same question to know that a quick and dirty answer is available.</p>

<p>ETA. Yes, I used all the data that is available. The tricky thing is calculating the fees.</p>

<p>Just noting that Oklahoma State University has a very similar package to University of Oklahoma. The first two listed are exactly the same as OU:</p>

<p>100% tuition for 5 years
$5,500/yr for 4 years (post #858 should read $5,500/yr at OU also)
$8000 NM award ($2000/yr for 4 years)
$1000/yr for 4 years from the student’s Academic Dean</p>

<p>This ends up being just $1200 less than the total OU package. The main difference is in how it is structured. And, similar to OU, fees at OSU can be $5000 per year depending on your major.</p>