NMF Scholarships: An Updated Compilation

<p>3tallblonds-Son just got a letter from OU saying that it is not too late to apply and receive the $116,200 nmf scholarship. It also mentions that it is best to apply ASAP so that you will have better housing options.</p>

<p>Someone on another thread mentioned this scholarship:
Denison’s Paschal Carter Scholarship. Competitive, but for NMFs only. $44K/yr (I assume renewable, though the description does not say that?) +2,000/yr if you designate them 1st choice +$3K one time research/travel stipend. Tuition/fees are about $44K, so full tuition +. They had 22 NMF freshmen subsidized in 2012, though don’t know if all got the larger scholarship.
<a href=“http://denison.edu/forms/paschal-carter-scholarship”>http://denison.edu/forms/paschal-carter-scholarship&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;



<p>I read this scholarship as $44,000 total, or $11,000/year.</p>

<p>Apparently a character limit has been placed on posts, and it won’t let me post the latest update of the list. I tried splitting into 2 parts, but it said it was still too long. </p>



<p>@BobWallace, flag your post and get someone to fix that. Your lists are among the best resources on this forum. Seriously, the NMF list is what brought me here in the first place, and I cannot overestimate the difference it has made in our search.</p>

<p>BTW – We were at VA Tech honors program last weekend and asked about NMF scholarships – they are no longer offering any money for NMF. </p>

<p>osaycanuc - Thanks for that piece of info. That was on our list for this summer, but now, maybe not.</p>

<p>Georgia Tech no longer gives National Merit scholarships - the funds have been redirected to need based scholarships only!</p>

<p>Apparently students who try to set GA Tech as their first choice school get a letter saying that the school is no longer giving NM Scholarships, and giving them a number of someone to talk to about possibly getting a different merit scholarship instead. Anyone have any idea if they’re routinely offering something to NMFs who call?</p>

<p>Since it is no longer possible to update the list as a post due to the character limit CC has imposed, I have posted the list externally:</p>

<p><a href=“http://nmfscholarships.yolasite.com/”>http://nmfscholarships.yolasite.com/&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>BobWallace is awesome! Thank you so much!!</p>

<p>BobWallace- is that an updated list?</p>



<p>Yes, I included several new colleges supplied by @celesteroberts in recent posts, and I also updated Auburn’s awards. </p>

<p>Thanks again for everything, BobWallace.</p>

<p>Bob Wallace is the best!</p>

<p>@BobWallace. I don’t think U New Mexico has a NMSF award this year.</p>

<p>Thanks, Bob. It’s no wonder they named a street after you. . .;)</p>

<p>re: GA Tech. We have a NMF at our school who was given the Provost which is in state tuition among other things. She is a half hispanic and an engineering girl with high scores and her female classmate who had even more involvement and honors but no NMF or any “hooks” was only invited for the Presidential. GA Tech is a tough one!</p>

<p>Re: U New Mexico, it is listed here <a href=“http://scholarship.unm.edu/scholarships/”>http://scholarship.unm.edu/scholarships/&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;



<p>The link you have provided is correct, and lists the UNM full ride scholarship for NMF. The issue raised by @nwmom2boys is that UNM seems to have discontinued the full tuition scholarship formerly offered to NMSF.</p>