NMF Scholarships: An Updated Compilation

UK has now updated their scholarship page for class of 2018. Patterson automatic award for NMF continues but has been reduced from a four year full ride. It is now full tuition with a $10k stipend for years 1 and 2 only.

So the Patterson would be about $3,000/year for room and board in years 1 and 2 and about $13,000/year for room and board in years 3 and 4.

Potential expansion of the Florida Benaquisto Scholarship to out of state National Merit Scholar students proposed for the 2018 legislative session. This would be a huge deal for those outside of Florida as the Benaquisto scholarship covers full cost of attendance! My S20 is a recipient of the scholarship ( we live in Florida) and attends UF. It has been incredible and covers tuition, room and board, books, transportation allowance, clothing allowance, technology allowance, etc… my D17 is a NMSF and will also likely qualify. Potentially it would apply to 2018-2019 school year ( would not be approved until Feb.-April if 2018 though) not sure this would allow enough time for most applicants. List of schools it currently is available at ( for Florida Students) includes
University of Florida
Florida State University
University of Miami
University of Central Florida
University of South Florida
New College of Florida

The legislature is planning on voting on whether to expand this scholarship to out of state students in their next session. Potentially exciting news for those outside of the state of Florida!

@caspiancat the great news.

I thought University of Miami was a private University

@caspiancat thanks for the update! I was watching this closely last year from OOS, and was wondering if it would be revived. My S18 happens to be applying to two of those schools and should be NMF, so would be nice but no holding my breath after last year. And he may make up his mind by the time this is settled, in any event. There was a long thread about this last year in the U of Florida page.
@suzyQ7 , it would probably reduce Miami’s private school tuition by the cost of the highest state school tuition, which I think is Fla State. At least, that’s what was in the vetoed bill last year.

@suzyQ7 Yes, as vistajay stated, Miami is private but would involve a reduction in cost- not sure what that would look like.
@vistajay I heard the bill has a better chance this year then last year, as last year’s bill had provisions attached to it that the governor vetoed, so its looking more hopeful this year as it no longer has those attachments. It would be wonderful for you son if it came through,

It’s weird though, why would the taxpayers of Florida want to pay for a scholarship that supports a private school?

The goal of the program is to attract top students to Florida in hopes that they will stay after college and invest their talents in the State of Florida.

If you have not looked into it we just received unsolicited mail about nmf package at u of North dakota. Full tuition plus.

Received an unsolicited mail recently from Un of Idaho with regards to NMF scholarship.

BTW, UMD (Maryland) offers an application waiver for NMSF. The kicker is you have to know this and to seek them out and to ask in advance for a voucher. They claim there is information about it in their application process but DD did not come across anything about it as she filled out her application. After she submitted it and then wrote to admissions to find out about the waiver, she was told the application waiver needed to be requested before submitting the application.

Looking around it really seems like currently UT Dallas and UCF have the two nicest NMF packages, both at very solid academic institutions. Anyone else have opinions. Both of those are basically full ride and UCF is full ride plus. Any others people are impressed with?

University of Idaho also offers a full ride with tuition, room and board.

Which thread has the updated comprehensive list? I believe that Yolasite is dated information. Is that correct?

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@filius1 go to your preferences and unclick e-mail notifications. I learned how to do that one day when constant buzzing on a particularly lively thread prevented me from getting my afternoon nap.

@Mnacttutor Texas Tech has a full ride as does UT Tyler.

Texas Tech is full COA, too, so on top of room, board, tuition, fees and books, the student gets somewhere around $4,000 in stipends to cover transportation and miscellaneous expenses.

If I can find the exact numbers before the edit window closes, I’ll post them.

ETA: Here they are, 2017 - 2018 numbers:

Tuition & Fees: $10,772 (out of state students will be given an OOS tuition waiver)
Room & Board: $9,384
Books: $1,200
Transportation: $2,300 (awarded as a stipend)

Misc: $2,120 (awarded as a stipend)

Total $25,776 (plus OOS tuition waiver for OOS students)

For the record, University of New Mexico also offers a full ride, but with less in stipends than Texas Tech.

UNM and Tech were my S’s top two after touring those two plus UTD and OU. He loved both schools and was torn for awhile. In the end, he decided he felt more at home at UNM, and he like ABQ better than Lubbock.