NMF Scholarships: An Updated Compilation

Oops never mind- I misread the total COA box on the website as just the tuition box

Drexel has suddenly dropped its full tuition scholarship for NMF.

So late in application season. Pretty unfair. School is trying to say it’s due to NMSC, but NMSC says it’s not true.


Here is a full ride discovered by @tmendelson Good find!

Western New Mexico University

South Dakota School of Mines

3K per year for 3 years

credited to @TomT27

that’s a corrected link for Oklahoma State as the one at the yolasite is not functioning.

Just FYI, the Juniata link is broken on yolasite.com.

Full Ride at New Mexico State University for finalist and semifinalists


University of AZ updated website. Now $18,000/yr for AZ resident NMF plus 1,500 for foreign study. Nearly a free ride for in state.

I’m not sure if I’m reading the wrong page, but it looks like ASU’s New American Scholarship now says that the scholarship amount “varies” – so NOT full tuition any longer??


Amount of Az St scholarship varies by campus, because the tuition varies by campus.

Washington State University

Full tuition


Does anyone have a current link to colleges offering NMSF scholarships? I can’t seem to find one on this site.


I’d like one too…

Try this. I believe that it is current and lists scholarships for NMF, NMSF, and commended, although scholarships for commended are few.

Just FYI for anyone searching in the future, Utah State University already offered D a full tuition scholarship per their grid for her GPA/ACT combo, but also added $1,000 a year for her NMF status. (It would have been $500 a year if she had only made NMSF). Just putting it out there for anyone researching options in the future. She is still waiting on finalized offers from other schools.


The Yolasite list has the University of Vermont listed in section 2, but it no longer offers scholarships based on NMF/NMSF status.

The Yolasite has the University of Houston offering a full ride for NMF. It has severely reduced its aid down to the cost of tuition and 3500 in stipends.

Just got off the phone with the Univ of Oklahoma Natl Scholars office. Their NMF scholarship has gone down slightly. Instead of being a full tuition scholarship, now tuition will cost ~ $3,000/yr for both residents and non-residents. No 1st year housing scholarship. Slight reduction in tech & textbook allowances and study abroad stipend. New estim. for COA are $15,000 (1st), $13,000 (2nd and 3rd yr) and $11,000 (4th yr). So $52,000 for all 4 years. Tuition waivers/reductions are also good for a 5th yr.

I think perhaps the person you spoke with was mistaken or there was a misunderstanding. The 2018 OU award has indeed gone down. For OOS students, it has gone down significantly, not slightly. For example, t part specifically is not correct:

OOS NMF will receive Partial resident tuition waiver of $2,000 per year off the Oklahoma resident tuition rate of roughly $11,000.

The 2018 NMF material is available on the OU web site.