NMF Scholarships: An Updated Compilation

@jym626 at #1018 there are a few ways to figure that out but the easiest is just to look at the hard numbers. After all, there are only 7,500 scholars in a given year so they can theoretically be spread pretty thin - even among the smaller population schools - so percentage might not be relevant.

Pages 31 - 38 of the attached 2017 annual report (latest available) show the numbers of scholarships by sponsor in the 2017 competition, as well as number of NM scholars attending each college (whether or not the latter is a sponsor).


Over all sponsors, UF is in 6th place with 163 scholarships; behind NMSC itself (2415), OU (267), USC (197), Vandy (176), and UChi (171). It’s ahead of NU (161).

When looking at colleges and uni’s enrolling the 2017 class of National Merit Scholars, whether or not the college itself is a sponsor, we see that UF is again in 6th with 202 enrollees; behind OU (317), UChi (259), USC (257), and Harvard and Vandy (219 each). Ahead of NU (200). Just for fun, MIT enrolled 156. Neither H nor M is a sponsor - they just have a lot of bright, high-achieving kids attend so naturally a good number will be NM’s.

In terms of percentages, smaller private schools like UChicago, Harvard, Vandy, NU and MIT dominate just because they are much smaller population schools with a high overall number of NM scholars. A large state university - even if fairly competitive - won’t have anywhere near the same percentages. However, it should still be able to attract a sizable number of NMF’s with merit aid, honors, etc.

The issue is that percentages are what matter, not raw numbers. A school with 40,000 undergrads is going to have more than a school with 10,000 undergrads. Sure, merit scholarships will attract the top students. That’s what they are for :wink:

^ Well, then based on those numbers from my earlier post and using enrollment numbers suggested by last year’s incoming class (fall 2017), UChicago enrolls approximately 10% of its class as NM scholars offering each of them a grand total of $2,000 per year (or less). So a proper apples-to-apples comparison would be to rank by percentage among large state uni’s offering the big bucks. A comparison among flagships or equivalent would be even more relevant.

OU attracts a national audience, gives out a ton in merit, and enrolls 6% of its undergrad class as NM scholars. Not going to do the calculations to prove of disprove - but guessing this is the high end. UF is about half that currently. Most state uni’s take in about 4,000 - 6,000 FTIC per year (depending on the size of the school). So hard numbers matter and UF might be in 2nd or 3rd place on a percentage basis currently, with only a smaller, specialized public uni. like UT-Dallas coming in higher. Will leave for others to verify or refute.

Are there any updates on the current standings on U of Arizona’s NMF scholarships for OOS?

Hi all - it’s been years since I helped my two kids through the NMSF process (one has graduated, one is halfway through college) - they were both NMFs and this site was invaluable as we put together college lists. I’m now helping my niece (Class of 2020 - currently waiting for her PSAT score) with the college search process.

Is anyone still keeping the yolasite list current? If not, is there any “master” list floating around with a good summary of schools and awards for NMSF and NMF?

Thanks so much!

@mountainhiker the yolasite is no current as far as I know but a good starting point. Colleges tweak their NMS every year and the scholarships for the high school class of 2020 won’t be out until Aug/Sept.

The biggest changes to be aware of is that FL state schools now offer full COA for OOS NM. This is funded by the state legislator so it could also be ‘de-funded’ if you are looking at a FL school make sure the school will guarantee that they will off the scholarship all four years even if not funded by the legislator. I’ve heard the USF, FS and UCF will guarantee this but UF will not. OU has drastically cut their OOS NM scholarship and upped their crazy “fees”. Texas Tech is now offering a true full ride for NM, tuition, R&B, books, fees, stipend for living expenses (shampoo, tooth past etc.) and pays for travel. UT Dallas upped their NM to include a stipend for on campus housing which makes it a full ride give or take $100 or so plus $6k for study abroad. UA has also included housing in their package.

Great synopsis @3scoutsmom ! We are so happy at UCF and I know people are raving about USF and FSU !

Does anyone know if the When the yearly revote for budget for the Florida Benacquisto scholarships occur? I don’t really want to get my hopes up that it will still be there for the incoming class of 2020 because it seems awfully good.

DS 2020 met the NM cutoff from the last two years, so we are holding our fingers crossed that the cut does not raise.
Since he has no chance for NMF, we are looking at the best NMSF scholarships of full tuition or better.

Large State schools(our preference) we have found so far are:
Washington State University
Mississippi State University
Ole Miss
University of Alabama (3.5 gpa)
University of Alabama Huntsville
New Mexico State University

All offer full tuition for OOS students who make NMSF.

@WasIDremin , the FL Legislature will review budget in the spring, with it usually being signed in late May or June. But I am sure there will be lots of posts on CC as to whether the funding is in danger. Personally, I would be surprised to see it defunded only a year after enactment, but I can see some tweaks or caps that could limit the number of scholarships given out.

@sekere62 - If your son met the state cutoff from previous years, why do you think he has no chance this year? Oh, and Fight On!

Using last year’s cutoff, we figure son has a 70% chance for NMSF. His sub 3.0 gpa with no extracurriculars is why he has no chance for NMF. Playing fortnite nonstop for days on end does not count as a real extracurricular.

dd from class 2018 is freshman at USC in CS. Reason for my image.

Oof, sorry to hear that. My D is also a freshman at SC, studiying BME. Reason for my image.

Just want to add that Xavier offers full tuition for NMF.


Just found this list:


@Cheeringsection, I know of one university that offers close to a full ride that is not on that list - University of North Texas. They do make the caveat that the list is not exhaustive but a good start.

I had never seen U of Cincinnati on a list before. Anyone out there have experience with that program or is it truly new?

for UNT Full COA https://financialaid.unt.edu/unt-meritorious-scholarship-national-merit-finalists

Just saw this update today. University of Kentucky lowered its National Merit to just include 1 year of housing stipend. Kind of disappointed as it is the leader in my D20 list.

** Housing Stipend of $10,000 per year is available for students living on campus in a UK Residence Hall during the first year of enrollment only.

Benacquisto awards in Florida equal full COA.
Participating schools:
Florida Atlantic University
New College of Florida
U of FL
University of South Florida
in addition my daughter just qualified for 16K Presidential Platinum (I imagine all NMSFs would qualify) which should cover tuition +room and board