NMF summer stipend for summer classes at Bama?

<p>Last summer, son took a prerequisite chemistry course at a local college, and it was out of pocket for us. Since son is an NMF, and job prospects are slim on the home front, we were wondering if it might be more affordable for him to stay at Bama and take summer courses there. There are no local engineering colleges, so he could perhaps take an engineering course to ease his load for the remaining semesters. He’ll be in his third year next year, and has most of his core curriculum fulfilled at this point, so it might be worth his while to stay at Bama and get some degree specific courses out of the way, if any are offered. Don’t know if son is going to do study abroad, so if we could use that NMF stipend toward summer tuition, it would ease that financial burden and give son something to do over the summer that would contribute to his degree.</p>

<p>Yes, he can, but you’d still have to pay for housing & meals. One 3 credit class for an OOS student is going to cost almost $3k just for tuition. So, you’d have to pay the that 3rd credit.</p>

<p>Seems to me kind of a waste for only one class and having to pay for that 3rd credit plus room and board.</p>

<p>Hey, beggars can’t be choosers.</p>

<p>Believe it or not, if we can apply the NMF stipend toward the summer housing, we might break even. Only decent universities around here are private, so we’ll be paying the same amount for tuition. And would be worth it to get a course toward his major under his belt.</p>

<p>Just starting to explore summer options. Unlike many areas of the country, we do not have great community colleges and public universities within commuting distance, so if no summer jobs or internships are on the horizon, looks like son will be taking summer courses again. Just trying to find an affordable option, but also wanting to take something worthwhile, not just a time killer. Last summer, some good engineering courses were offered at Bama, and if the same or similar courses are offered again, it would be worth spending the summer at Bama.</p>

<p>* Only decent universities around here are private, so we’ll be paying the same amount for tuition*</p>

<p>then you could use the 2000 towards THAT and have him live at home for free.</p>

<p>As m2ck mentioned, using the $2000 to help pay summer tuition costs at another school is a good option.</p>

<p>As for “good” colleges/universities, if a “not so good” college/university offers a needed course at a good rate and Bama will transfer the credit, it might make sense to take the course at that school. </p>

<p>I highly recommend shopping around to see which college/university offers the best combination of courses, living arrangements, social life, and cost. As I’ve mentioned previously, I was able to take two courses over the summer at an OOS university for less than $2000 total, which included tuition, textbooks, food and housing for 5 weeks, and airfare.</p>

<p>We did actually pay OOP for son to take courses at a local private uni last summer. I was under the impression that he could not use his NMF stipend towards that because it was a non BAMA course.</p>

<p>Any idea who I can contact about that? It would be nice to be reimbursed for that if son winds up not doing study abroad.</p>

<p>Seatide, I have been looking at other unis to see if they might offer engineering courses he’d be interested in, irregardless of cost, especially if they are potential grad school possibilities. Unfortunately, after this semester, he’ll have many of the engineering courses that are offered during the summer, ie, statics, dynamics, and only grad and research courses are the only other options.</p>

<p>BAMA does offer some engineering courses during the summer that he would otherwise take during the school year, so taking the courses during the summer would lighten his school year load.</p>

<p>What about financial aid during the summer, like work study jobs?</p>

<p>When I was in college, I had a double major, and I took two summers worth of courses while at school to lighten my load. While I was not qualified for work study during the school year, I was able to get a work study job during the summer. It was a much nicer and much better paying job than my private job during the school year, and helped to offset my summer housing cost.</p>

<p>* I was under the impression that he could not use his NMF stipend towards that because it was a non BAMA course.</p>


<p>Not sure what you mean. Most study abroad courses aren’t “Bama courses” either…yet those can use the stipend. </p>

<p>Anyway…just contact Scholarships with your info and documentation and you should get the $2k.</p>

<p>I don’t think there is work-study for summer. He could get a student loan if he takes 6 credits.</p>

<p>^^^Thanks, Mom. I’ll look into that. Even if we have to wait until senior year to get reimbursed that 2K, it would be a great help. </p>

<p>That’s a shame about work study.</p>

<p>I wonder if the career center could help son land a summer job on campus?</p>

<p>Even if Bama had work study for summer, you probably would have to have a low EFC to qualify since your child receives a lot in scholarship money. Work study is put towards “need” - which your son’s scholarships likely cover. </p>

<p>As for on-campus jobs…
[Student</a> Employment](<a href=“http://hr.ua.edu/employment/student-employment/]Student”>http://hr.ua.edu/employment/student-employment/)</p>

<p>Your son should also ask Dr. Sharpe…perhaps there are some summer jobs in the honors college. </p>

<p>Is your son going to apply for any REUs? He should! those apps are due in about 6-10 weeks.</p>