UA in Oxford

<p>Looks like Junior is headed to Oxford this summer. </p>

<p>Because this is a summer program, I assume there is no way to take advantage of his NMF scholarship beyond the 2k stipend for foreign study. Somebody please let me know if I am mistaken.</p>

<p>In any event, I’m excited for him.</p>

<p>Congrats to junior…</p>

<p>I dont know first hand Slippy but from what I have read here you would be able to use the NMF scholarship but it likely would not be the right thing to do. The NMF scholarship you have is an 8 semester scholarship, so if you were to use it for a summer semester you would “lose” out on using it for a full semester on the backend of junior’s senior year at Bama. Dollar wise you would be losing quite a few by using it for the summer.</p>

<p>I know this comes into play quite often with ChemE majors who have a required summer lab between their junior and senior year at UA.</p>

<p>Thanks, Memphis. That’s kinda what I thought. I guess I’m lucky that I have a load of frequent flyer points I can use to purchase his plane ticket. I just hope he makes it home in one piece.</p>