Is it true that penn doesn’t have any aerospace engineering program? Also, how is its engineering( general, eg. Mechanical) program different from princeton. I know penn students have a better life than ones at Princeton, but what about the difference in academics?
Penn has mechanical engineering, but not aerospace specifically. Aerospace engineering is a special case of mechanical engineering.
I don’t know how Mech E compares between Princeton and Penn. DD is in SEAS, but is involved with Computer Science and NETS so I haven’t learned many details of Mech. Hopefully, another poster will have more information about how they compare.
It does not specifically have an aerospace engineering program, but if you want to go into the field there are still plenty of resources available. I know that Penn has an aerospace club that consists mainly of engineers (from different fields, since the aerospace industry needs people for everything from testing new launch mechanisms to internal circuiting). I would say don’t get caught up with Penn not having a specific aerospace engineering program, since you will still have great resources to go into the industry and would gain the base knowledge to do so.