<p>Does selecting no financial aid increase chances of admission? </p>
<p>I've been told no by some sources, but yes by others. Purely Logic, I would guess two identical candidates- one needing financial aid, and the other not needing it- the one not needing financial aid would be accepted.</p>
<p>But if it came down to it, I would much rather pay and get in versus have a worse chance and possibly get denied.</p>
<p>What I’m wondering is, what about the difference in scores/grades where money is concerned? Obviously kids from households with higher incomes will have better access to preperational tools, etc. Is that taken into consideration, or is the 750 on the SAT from the wealthier kid still weighted more than the 690 from the lower-income kid?</p>
<p>They cannot see your financial background, but they definitely take into account from which school you come, what opportunities you had, etc. However, you always need to be at a certain intellectual level: Harvard is not going to admit dumb kids.</p>