No housing guarantee - What are you planning to do?

My D submitted her SIR to UCSB today (90 miles from home). I understand housing is not guaranteed at any of the UCs but I’m curious how everyone is addressing this issue. Students that do not get housing, will you stay home and take classes remotely or will you try to find a rental near campus?

My oldest is a junior at UCLA. She and her roommates moved to an off campus apartment this past September. As such, we are stuck paying rent, not only now while she is home taking classes online but also over the summer since subletting will be highly unlikely. I’m not inclined to sign another lease, especially with a second covid-19 threat lurking.

Starting your freshman year online (while far from ideal) is more palatable if everyone is in the same boat. However it seems especially difficult if you are stuck at home while other kids are on campus.

Would love to hear other opinions and ideas…