No interview for Hotel major bad?

<p>Hi just wondering if no interview for hotel major is bad. </p>

<p>My friend apparently forgot to request her interview and when she realized she had to request the interview it was already too late. So she got a paper interview instead - Cornell send her a few questions and she had to fill them out. Just worried whether it would reduce her chances of getting into the school. ( I heard that interviews for Hotel major are important)</p>

<p>Thanks for any input guys =]</p>

<p>bump~~ anyone?</p>

<p>yep, her chances are probably pretty slim now, good luck.</p>

<p>I didn’t have an interview either. There are no hotel school alums in my area.
Don’t worry.</p>

<p>No the thing is there IS a hotel alum in her area…somehow she forgot to request it. Is interview all that important?</p>

<p>important for hotel–yes</p>

<p>isn’t it one of the requirements?</p>

<p>who knows…she has good stats…just now…sigh </p>

<p>less than a week to go~hows everyone feeling?</p>