No! No! No! No! No!

<p>hi guys, I have submitted my apps already ED. i submitted my grades, which were straight A's. but penn asks for a midyear report. what if on my midyear report, I have all A's, one B (which might possible become an A) and one C (I bombed an important test). Will they reject me for this?</p>

<p>also, will any college reject me for this? among other ive applied are Brown Cornell, Michigan Ann Arbor , William and mary, UChicago etc</p>

<p>I don't think they'll reject you, but they might just think you had senioritis...won't you be accepted before the midyear grades go out?</p>

<p>Well if you are deferred this will really hurt. If accepted, no worries.</p>

<p>Hey for my midyear report… what if my grades are like this:</p>

<p>A, B+, A, A, B+, A+</p>

<p>when the first quarter grades I sent to Penn were:</p>

<p>A-, A-, A-, A-, A-, A+</p>

<p>I dropped from an A- to a B+ in AP calc…
will this affect my acceptance?? can they reject ppl after they are accepted b/c of mid-year report?? I’m worried… =( I can’t believe I got accepted and I don’t want to jeapardize my acceptance… =( +(</p>

<p>You won’t get revoked for As or even one C.</p>

<p>Penn and in general, colleges convert to the “A, B, C” system from the +/- system in order to allow the applicants to be on even ground with schools that don’t have the +/- system.</p>

<p>So an A- is just an A. Don’t worry about it too much.</p>

<p>I had like 3 B’s and 3 A’s on my midyear report. It’s just senior year, whatever.</p>