No politics forum?

I heard that there used to be a politics sub-forum.

What happened to it? That would have been mightily entertaining.

Terms of service prohibits discussion of politics. I have broken down the relevant paragraph from TOS to show the pertinent section.

Commercial Posts, Repetitive Posts, Spam. Posts promoting web sites, products, or services are not allowed. Affiliate links and URL or promotional signatures are not allowed. Please don’t create extra work for our moderators by posting promotional notices on our boards. If you register as a user, you can put your URL in your profile where interested visitors can find it. We recognize that occasionally a post may contain a URL which could be of value to our visitors. Users who post commercial messages will be warned or lose posting privileges. Repetitive posts, numerous posts that do not comply with our TOS, solicitations by private message or email, and other egregious incidents of spam will be reported to the abuse department of the poster’s Internet Service Provider and/or national spam tracking organizations.

Politics, Religion, etc.

Politics, religion, and similar controversial topics should be discussed only as directly applicable to college matters. College Confidential is not a debating society. Hence, “Would a Catholic be comfortable at BYU?” or “What is the political environment at Grinnell?” are fine. “Democrats (or Republicans) are evil!” and other opinions unrelated to the college process are not allowed.

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