<p>This was received by my cadet yesterday (I'll assume the rest of the corps got it, too). My husband received the same basic message at the CDC not long ago, so I assume it is a federal government decision regarding computers on their networks:</p>
<p>We just received confirmation from the HPCMO CERT Chief that the ban on removable flash media for Windows computers extends to the DREN. </p>
<p>Effective immediately the following devices are prohibited from being used on the USMA (DREN) network:</p>
<p>IPODs, Thumb Drives, Memory Cards, MP3 Players and Memory Sticks.</p>
<p>This includes use on the wireless and wired network.</p>
<p>Spinning USB devices are not included, USB hard drives, CD's, DVD's, etc are still authorized.</p>
<p>USMA HQ will be requesting an exception to policy, but until the official request is submitted and approved, Cadets are required to comply with this order.</p>
<p>The following was forwarded by the USMA CCB (COL Griggs; CIO, LTC Dodge; IETD, Mr. Paul Scullion; DOIM, Ms. Carole Marvin; USCC S6).</p>
<p>More guidance will be forthcoming from USCC HQ.</p>
<p>The following provides further flash media clarification for HPC </p>
<p>Centers and HPC CND-SP subscribers. Per USSTRATCOM/CC (MSG DTG:</p>
<p>142345Z NOV 08), suspend use of all "REMOVABLE FLASH MEDIA" for </p>
<p>Windows computers. Examples of removable flash media covered by this </p>
<p>policy are memory sticks, thumb drives, and camera flash memory cards. </p>
<p>All PKI CAC/H token devices are not impacted by this suspension. </p>
<p>External hard disks and similar devices are still authorized.</p>
<p>This is not a reaction to the poor numbers reported for USB Device Scanning. We have no choice but to comply until an authorized exception is issued.</p>