No word about SS yet?

<p>I have not heard about whether or not I got accepted to SS, and I applied about 7 weeks ago. Would it be wise to call my USAFA counselor and ask about it…? I don’t want to be bothersome, but I am planning a trip in June and want to make sure there are no conflicts. Thanks</p>

<p>It would be very wise to contact your counselor about ss. don’t ever worry about being bothersome. You have to be proactive during this process especially when you are applying to become a cadet. Just be friendly and tell them you wanted to make sure they had received all your paper work etc etc. At one point I was told by my counselor that all of the appointments had been offered and that I didn’t get one. Well I called some other people and found out what the deal was… it turned out she had put in the wrong information and it was a good thing I called because I could have lost my appt.</p>

<p>Just a reminder k326… Summer Seminar acceptances are not the main priority for the academy right now, they still have mass mailings for the actual appointments. I’m pretty sure that last year I received my acceptance to SS a little after the mass mailings of the appointments. So don’t get too worried, just hang tight.</p>