Non A-G Courses

I’ve already asked this a lot of times, but I’m still not getting any answers that really help me.
The examples I’ve been told that aren’t Non A-G courses are: PE/Health
I’ve had both, but otherwise, I don’t know if any of my other classes are non a-g.
I thought electives would count, but they don’t.

Can someone please answer in more depth, I’ve been asking for weeks already.
Also, I’ve checked the UC link already and that doesn’t help either.

Non a-g courses can be things like Intro to computers (Not AP), Keyboarding, Health, Physical Education, Weight training/Athletic training, Child Development, Auto Shop, Wood shop, Video production, Geography, Home Decor…

How about something like World of Technology? I’ve taken the first and second course. Also would a summer camp count as a non a-g. I want to put stuff that I’ve done consistently because they’re more close to me and it shows what I’m interested in.

These are the courses/classes I think are non-ag:

  • Sociology
  • Astronomy
  • Human Systems
  • World of Technology 1 and 2
  • Architectural Design
  • Stress Management
  • Personal Fitness 2

Can you please see which ones are and aren’t please. It would be really appreciated.
Also, thank you for answering most of my questions Gumby.;

The list varies from HS to HS. if you are a CA high school student, use this link to to find your HS and you’ll find your list.

Astronomy and Sociology go under category G- college prep according to some of CA HS’s I looked at. The others look like non a-g courses. If in doubt, contact a-g admissions. It is always difficult for OOS applicants to figure out their courses.



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