Non Academic Admission deferment

I am currently trying to transfer to UCF from another in state college. I am a 3.5 + GPA overall, and will graduate with my a.a this fall. Transfer is for spring. Today my admission decision said " An admission decision has been deferred pending a review for an affirmative answer you provided in the academic/criminal misconduct section of your application. You will be contacted by e-mail should additional information be needed. "

I received a misdemeanor (eventually dismissed) back in 2015 for trespassing, and am already in the process of waiting for expunction from my record.

What are the chances I am still admitted? I have never been in trouble with law, before that or after. No suspensions, no academic consequences. I am worried that I may have to apply out of state now to transfer this spring due to this. Any help or comments would be greatly appreciated.

I would suggest a call to ucf admissions.