NON Direct Admit Nursing Schools

DD20 is interested in nursing. These forums have been really helpful in developing a list of direct admit programs, and we are checking those out. But we realized that we may be overlooking some good choices where students apply for nursing after freshman year (for example, SUNY Stony Brook). We are looking in New England and Mid-Atlantic (live in MA).

DD is a B+/A- student. More A’s junior year, so nice trend upward. Taking ACT this spring but standardized tests are not her strength. Her stats look good enough for some of the direct admit schools, but it’s not a slam dunk. A priority for her is to attend a “real” college/university with a full range of students and activities, so that rules out some of the smaller colleges with direct admit nursing programs that would otherwise be a match stats -wise.

Any ideas? Thank you.

If she is 100% sold on nursing, direct admit is the only way to go in my opinion.
The only way I would look at non direct ad mit is if she is not 100% sold on nursing. Very risky and competitive.

The majority of the programs in the country are not direct admit, and lots of students earn BSN degrees from them. Should you want to go this route (my d did, but she changes her major to nursing after her first semester), you may want to consider colleges where your d’s stats put her at the top of the admitted fresh class. She will need good grades to be competitive for admission to the major.