Non-Party Dorms Suggestions!!!

<p>I'm not into the whole party/drinking scene, so I've been looking for a quieter dorm to stay in where many of the residents will have the same mindset as me. I know a lot of people say that as a general rule, although there are acceptions, lakeside dorms are quieter than southeast dorms. Could you be more specific and say exactly what dorms have certain characteristics? So far it seems like Liz Waters and Chadbourne are more studious, and it seems like Smith and Ogg are really nice because they're new... but are they party dorms? I've also heard about how for the '09-'10 school year, a certain floor of Cole Hall will be labeled "substance free", meaning the residents living there have decided not to drink, use tobacco, etc. Is that true and would it be worth it to stay there? I also have heard that Sellery and Witte (and maybe Slichter? idk) are considered party dorms so I def. want to stay away from those. Any suggestions?????</p>

<p>lol Slichter a party dorm. Funny. Slichter is like, the best lakeshore dorm, in my opinion. The rooms are so big (for a dorm room, at least), and no, it's definitely not a party dorm. Like with any dorm, there's going to be people that go out and party (sometimes *to *Witte and Sellery, and you're right, those are party dorms), but it's not the majority, and they aren't that noticeable.</p>

<p>It's pretty quiet in Slichter, in the good way. I definitely recommend it.</p>

<p>Lakeshore dorms are probably less likely to be party dorms. Liz has the biggest dorm rooms (see sizes on the Res Halls site). Choose your dorm for location and all of the other priorities you have. There are pros and cons to every dorm. Slichter's layout and size means not as many people to hear noise from as in a long hallway (lived there eons ago).</p>

<p>Slichter, Kronshage, Liz Waters, Frederick, Bradley, pretty much any lakeshore
Barnard(only quiet southeast dorm)</p>

<p>Kronshage has an INCREDIBLE UW "gungho" atmosphere. Totally into all the housing activities, usually extremely engaging HoFo's. Not much partying on site, if anything, people leave to go drink elsewhere. Definitely the lakeshore dorm I'd recommend. The others don't really have much of an identity, in my opinion. If you're going to do lakeshore, non-party scene, I'd want it to have a "culture" of its own!</p>

<p>But yes, any lakeshore, or Barnard, are going to be less alcohol, less partying. Dead on, 2008grad.</p>

<p>Any Southeast dorm people who would disagree? Does Chad having the residential college mean it is more sedate than some of the other high rises? Let future students know. Is the percentage of freshmen higher in the Southeast dorms, perhaps leading to a more exploring of freedom behavior/atmosphere there?</p>

<p>Lived in Sellery, work in SE now. And I won't disagree. I think a part of it is geography, and another just the expectations of those that select where they do. It's circular. Research could be done on the topic, but no, I'd say pretty much everyone is dead on. I feel like most people who end up in cole/sullivan, however, don't select it as a top pick. This, sometimes, leads to a greater degree of party-goers. But again, it depends so much on the people and the year. The trends represented here are dead-on, though, for the most part.</p>

<p>I've heard Sellery is generally not a top pick either and that if you choose it as number one that you are assigned elsewhere in an attempt to spread out the party goers. My daughter picked a variety of dorms from lakeshore to SE and she ended up with her fifth choice, Sellery. She loves it - very social and easy to meet people. She has heard that Ogg and Smith are quieter, probably because of the set up of the rooms.</p>