
<p>I just got the form to pick which residence hall i want to be in. Anyone with any suggestions? I would like a hall that is all freshman and has a crazy, party type atmosphere.. Thanks!</p>


<p>thanks barron.. any one else agree/disagree?? i gotta send in my housing thing soon</p>

<p>I think you will get to confirm/change your dorm choices next spring so don't get too worried about your current rankings.</p>

<p>thanks.. what dorms should i list other then the 3 SouthEast dorms (Sellery, Ogg, Witte), incase i don't get into those dorms? id like a big party dorm.. Thanks a lot</p>

<p>what is the liz hall like?</p>

<p>One of the best. lake views, center of campus, dining hall, nice older architecture.</p>

<p>liz waters has bigger rooms and bunkable beds and great location for library and classes...........if you are interested in jobs at the medical center, i'd suggest the lakeshore dorms west of liz waters........</p>

<p>And READ the housing contract. </p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Which dorms would you recommend for a person who doesn't drink or do drugs? Are the substance-free dorms a total drag? (Are there substance-free dorms?)

<p>Probably the Chadbourne would be the best. There are some substancefree dorms and floors.</p>

<p>Thanks. Are there other dorms that aren't substance-free, but not especially wild?</p>

<p>Lakeshore and Liz Waters tend to be less rowdy.</p>

<p>But that does mean there are parties there and stuff yeah? not as over the top but still there yeh?</p>

<p>Rank your dorms after reading the housing information online- large/small, highrise, location relative to your type of classes, older/newer, lakeshore/southeast(city) etc.. Having lived there, even though it was eons ago, I can vouch for the physical descriptions- remember to check the distances charts for each dorm, the room layouts and lofting guides, and even go to the Google Earth mapsite for aerial views. There is so much to do on and near campus you are not limited to what goes on in your dorm, so even if your floor is quiet you can find action. Agree on Liz and lakeshore having a less rowdy reputation. I lived on lakeshore, some college friends in Barnard, so I spent time all over campus outside of class, we all liked our areas and would rather visit than live in each other's dorms.</p>

<p>Allright cool! I'm an international student and have been checking out stuff on Google Earth. Thanks for the information!</p>