It’s that time fellow ccers and the results are coming in!!! We’ve shared our hopes, dreams, shortcomings, and barriers (that may I add we have all blown right through). Now, it’s time to celebrate our achievements, and give next years hopefuls some encouragement…

Any acceptances so far?

Mount Holyoke College Francis Perkins Program

Waiting Reply-
Yale EWSP, Brown RUE, Cornell, Johns Hopkins University, University of Chicago

Great thread. Looking forward to seeing a lot of good news on here!

Accepted - Temple (Fox School of Business)

Waiting Reply - West Chester University

Accepted (Guaranteed Admission)- University of Nevada, Reno (Fall '11)

Waiting on a reply- Smith College Ada Comstock Scholars Program

I’m waiting on replies from Smith, Wellesley and Simmons…

Waiting on replies from Cornell, NYU, UT Austin, Carnegie Mellon, Wake Forest
Accepted: UB (Into honors program)

Status: Scared and driven up the wall with a lot of sleepless nights :slight_smile:

Accepted: Syracuse
Waiting replies from Cornell, Boston College, NYU, University of Maryland

FYI Monday Cornell informed me they lost my college transcript… why do I say lost? Well they claim they do not have it and considering it was sent in the same envelope as my college officials report which they have then obviously they lost it!! GRRRR…

Rejected: University of San Francisco
Waiting for the decision: University of Washington, Western Washington University
Status: Turning 27

101 I’m also turning 27…LOL it almost feels like i’ll be 30 before i get the rest of the responses…

I guess I’ll go…

Waiting for decision:
Marquette (traditional program)

Deadline for NU summer program is the 15th, so I should hear back from them soon…

Got a rejection from Penn today… This makes me worry about Northwestern because both programs have performance based admissions. I realize they cannot take every applicant but at least give people a shot to prove themselves.

Accepted Baruch college, Nyu.

Waiting for Columbia. Anybody for Columbia?

"Accepted Baruch college, Nyu.

Waiting for Columbia. Anybody for Columbia?"

What are your stats? I’m still waiting on NYU.

Gpa 3.94
No SAT - lived outside the USA. Are u waiting for Cu too?

I know this old, but did anyone offer you provisional admission?