Noob questions

<p>If you apply to a UC and get rejected, is it acceptable to spend another year at CC to improve your stats and apply again?</p>

<p>Also, is it highly recommended to finish most of your pre-reqs by the fall that you apply? And is your GPA that fall the one they will consider?</p>

<p>I have a 3.43 right now and I'm getting A's & B's for 18 units this spring semester. I'll also be in honors and TAP. I'll be taking two classes over the summer and hopefully my GPA will improve by fall. I'm just wondering if it's a good idea to wait another year if my GPA isn't high enough by the time I apply.</p>

<p>yeas you may....and yes it is highly recommended to finish your pre reqs AND IGETC to be competitive</p>

<p>If I spend another year at CC and transfer by Fall '10, would I be behind in terms of my college class year (2011)?</p>

<p>^ No like everyone says its not a race to finish.</p>



<p>Those are the ones that are falling behind. </p>

<p>unchimon: You're benefiting ME if you're falling behind.</p>

<p>@ DamItsJohnny: I agree.. in some cases.
@ Lackofsense: I don't necessarily agree.</p>

<p>I don't think you can assume you'd benefit if I'm falling behind at all without knowing how many pre-reqs I've completed or what I intend to major in. If we were both pre-bio/pre-econ students, for example, and you completed more pre-reqs than me or whatever, then perhaps.</p>

<p>Thanks for all your replies, any other advice or suggestions would be helpful. :)</p>

<p>unchimon: I guess you're right, but why would you spend another year at a CC to bring up your GPA? Why not apply and see if you get accepted or not? If not--spend another year. If accepted--why bother.</p>

<p>That's as n00b of an answer I can give you. Hope you pwn this knowledge that is bestowed upon you</p>

<p>Lulz, yeah. I'm fairly confident I'll be of good academic standing by the time I apply. But it never hurts to wonder and dwell on what-if's and would-be's.</p>

<p>Thanks for for the feedback.</p>