Nordstrom Scholarship

I was notified today that I am a Nordstrom semi-finalist. I was just wondering if anyone knew how many people are semi-finalists and how many are finalists?

<p>Hey, not bad! Instead of waiting till October to see if you’ve won, you should try entering another program from a clothing store: [Macy’s</a> College Lifestyle Contest](<a href=“]Macy’s”> is an easy program that awards a gift card to decorate your dorm room with.</p>

<p>I’m assuming if you’ve applied to the Nordstrom scholarship that you’re a junior in high school. You’ll probably be interested in finding a ton of [easy</a> scholarships for high school seniors](<a href=“”> next year. If so, visit this link to find a ton of [simple</a> scholarships](<a href=“”> to apply for so that by the time you attend college, you’ll have plenty of aid available. Good Luck!</p>