Northeastern - Accepted or Rejected? Post here

Just thought I’d get this going … kk… let’s see…

btw… also post if you’ll be going and if you are doing co-op.

1210 highest combined SAT score
85.3 unwieghted 89.3 weighted gpa
150/597 rank
-lifeguarding job

  • french hon. society
  • tutoring
    2 AP’s
    1 accelerated english course- 3 c’s junior yr, 1 soph. yr.

I might be attending- still waiting from fordham (first choice). If I go, I might do co-op - I haven’t really read much about it yet.

<p>Accepted, though my stats are horrid. >.></p>

<p>1150 SAT
3.4 GPA (I'm a bit of a slacker... ^_^;;;)
94/303 rank
4 APs, only 2 honors
random sports and clubs like fencing</p>

<p>I'm going to attend, but I'm still waiting for NYU and Boston U (As if I'd get in. Very unlikely. lol). As for co-op, probably. I never really worked before so it would be a new experience.</p>

<p>Majoring in history.</p>

<p>Congratulations on NU. lol I'm waiting for NYU too.. but umm..yeah.. there's noooo way I'm getting in. I thought I wouldn't even get into NU lol</p>

<p>I know there are more of you out there .. . lol</p>

<p>(this is for my friend) but does anyone have a link to check the decsions online?</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a> - to check application status</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a> - go to create account.. if your friend is allowed to create an account they have been accepted.</p>

<p>ill bump this up-- i think more decisions have come out..</p>

<p>waitlisted...threw it out, had no intention of attending</p>

<p>I was accepted to Northeastern last week and also recieved $11,000 per year scholarship.</p>

<p>SAT - 1330
GPA - 4.1 weighted
Mostly AP and Honors classes throughout high school</p>

<p>I am unsure if I am going to attend or if I will be doing the co-op program. I haven't seem the school yet but am going soon.</p>

1300 highest combined SAT score
3.7 unwieghted 3.95 weighted gpa
20/202 rank
-i go to an arts high school where i assistant direct, am the valedictorian of musical theatre, am sr. class vp, am on the board of 2 other clubs. im a girl scout and earned the gold award. i was also the recipient of the congressional award gold medal last june.
-took the hardest classes offered.
-i dont know if ill attend, waiting till i hear from other schools.</p>

<p>I was accepted but I do not know about the aid yet. It depends pretty much on it and on the other college's answers as well. it is not my first choice.</p>

<p>sat1 1420
electives - math and physics
i am an international so i do not know how to convert my gpa but it is 5.97 out of 6.00</p>

<p>if i go i'll be a psychology major and will co-op:)</p>

<p>btw why haven't i received a letter about the aid?</p>

<p>I got accepted too. </p>

<p>1320 SAT I
Rank 58/280
2 APs, 2 Honors this year
bunch of ECs here and there</p>

<p>I got my fin. aid package too; I wish they would've given me more. I got waitlisted at a few schools, but I've already decided to go to Northeastern. I even bought my hoodie already.</p>