Northeastern Admissions Regular Decision Fall 2022

Would’ve loved to be accepted b/c I’m from Ashland, MA, but I’m happy for everyone who got in - One of my really good friends at school’s going to Northeastern


NU is not need-blind for admissions.


What a rude comment, if you can’t get in just say that…

a current northeastern freshman


*National Merit Finalist (Ik Northeastern’s generous w/ aid to Finalists, so I was hoping to get in, but it’s all good)

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Time to move on. If you think that Northeastern is so awful you should never have applied.


Maybe you haven’t talked to anyone that has graduated from Northeastern? Coops matter. They are highly employed. And happy.


Son was accepted into NEU honors program with NEU Grant and Honors scholarship. He chose NEU as the first choice for NMF. Does anyone know if the honors scholarship includes the NMF scholarship?


Sorry to burst your bubble, but NU grads do very well competing against graduates from all of those schools for jobs and graduate school programs. Many employers hire NU grads because they graduate college with great real-world job experiences and stellar references.


Sorry you are so disappointed not getting in. Hope you find happiness wherever you land


D22 deferred EA and rejected RD. IB diploma with a 4.25/3.97 (w/uw), four years varsity sport/captain, SBO, 100+ hours local community service plus international service, several part-time jobs during high school… Applied TO. Hmmm…

It’s bc they are being very cautious this year after an official overenrollment of like 1400 fall admits last year plus high NUIN numbers as well.

I will. Thank you! Should not have waisted my time on this one…

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Perhaps you need some time off CC to make peace, for your sake and everyone else here. I’m sorry you’re hurting.

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Did he get merit aid already? NMF tends to replace what was given, sometimes they add a little more. It is not as generous as it used to be. Any aid should be on your portal already. If not, I’d call the schools FA and ask about IT.

comically jealous

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And I’ll flag you again, I thought your comments were absurd and obnoxious. Let students be excited about getting into NU and keep your negative opinions to yourself. Getting rejected doesn’t make your behavior okay


Is this you from 2 years ago, writing as a student?

I also see that you were very unhappy about Purdue being “in the middle of nowhere” in a recent Purdue admissions post.

I really hope you find peace.