Northeastern Admissions Regular Decision Fall 2022

Your daughter sounds like an amazing student. In a few weeks, everything will fall in place and you’ll be excited about what Fall 22 holds for her.

I hope she keeps an open mind on all her options, including the ones she’s yet to hear from. Good luck!!


Thank you !

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Fortunately, NEU isn’t an ivy league school. It will be just as good as those schools in terms of quality and likely ranking in the next 20 to 30 years, but won’t have the title, which is good because it can become its own institution and not one with a devastatingly long list of prejudicial actions in history.

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It’s became a business , not an educational institution, who uses automated data set to choose their applicants. Don’t kid yourself , people do notice that and with time will turn away even applying to this school . Already word is out there . Students do have choices where to spend their 75$k a year for an undergrad .


I’m sorry for your negative spin but NU is a thriving educational institution that is expanding its national and international footprint and will continue to do so even if fewer applicants apply. Fewer applications probably makes their job easier. Please keep in mind that many talented and deserving students were accepted this year and their accomplishments should not be diminished.


I think people are assuming that just because NU is using technology to predict who’ll join from their pool of qualified candidates, that it’s somehow wrong.

Those who have no intention of joining NU (or any other school, for that matter), should not apply. Often times on CC you’ll read that someone got into a T20 school but was WL at NU, and that they didn’t care about NU and wouldn’t have joined NU anyway. Well, then NU got it right by WL them!

So many highly qualified students with solid stats are accepted at NU and they will enroll. They deserve to be at NU.


I work in higher education and trust me all competitive institutions are using analytics in this way, and especially as the demographic shifts occur in the next four years. I have a sophomore thriving at Northeastern and my D22 was deferred and then denied and I’m good with that.


It is just funny. Having been on CC for a long time, I have never seen any kids admitted to NEU or their parents ever placing NEU in the same level as HYPMS. It has always been either those deferred, waitlisted, rejected, sometimes their parents, or some other unrelated people who claimed so on behalf of NEU or kids going to NEU.
As I said before, if you go to HYPMS, I am happy for you, very happy! Enjoy your elite education and have a good time, but stick to the facts and don’t play this strawman game. It is getting old.


Please enlighten me on how higher analytics is helping with admission . What are the determining factors for admission ? I would
Really would like to understand better .

Not really. It is the truth. NU is not need-blind for admissions. I wonder if they look at your FAFSA before they decide to accept students. Acceptances should be based on Merit and not on your ability to pay!

Google can be a very good friend: What You Should Know About Predictive Analytics in Student Admissions ( It’s not good, it’s not bad - it just is what it is.

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Thank you , I did read it , still
Not clear exactly what they doing …
Like one article straying that data analytics predicts that kids with highest scores will go to college further away , because they have more options to choose from …. For example -. My DD22 has a very high scores and had no desire to go to colleges far away … she wanted to stay around Boston area …

Same, got a waiver as well, waitlisted…

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Waitlisted applicants as fully deserving abs as fully qualified as those who got accepted . They accomplishments should not be diminished .


I hope your daughter gets to stay close to Boston. She might end up at her Reach school (and I hope she does!) and we’ll know that NU did indeed get their calculations right. If she goes elsewhere, then they still got it right. If she ends up at NU after WL, then they were still right for not rejecting her and keeping her on WL.

This entire process is frustrating. Holistic admissions is an art and a science and depends on many factors. We’re not privy or entitled to that information. No one here on CC can enlighten you on the exact data analytics criteria that determines a student’s acceptance. Not at NU or any other school.

In the end, if a student gets accepted at a WL school, but they spent the entire time feeling bitter until they got in, it leaves a bad taste and only makes it harder to attend that school. Instead, focusing on what’s ahead, having all options open, and keeping an open mind will allow the student to be happy with their decision, even if they were previously WL there. WL is not personal and it certainly does not diminish a student accomplishments.

Good luck!


Good luck to your student!!

It seems as if you think that when it comes to admissions, NU can do no wrong.

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I didn’t say that. I said that holistic admissions is an art and a science. In an earlier post I said that yield protection is not an exact science. We don’t know their admissions criteria or algorithm. My point is that you can’t argue about something for which you’re not privy to the details. Nobody knows why one kid get in and a similar stats kid doesn’t. We don’t have the entire picture.

NU is not the only school where these students were WL. Kids have been accepted, rejected or WL at other schools too. Do we then say that every school that WL them was wrong? What purpose does school-bashing serve?

It’s been mentioned multiple times in this thread that NU has to be extra cautious about yield this year due to over-enrollment last year. They have to get numbers as close to their target as possible. So they’re going to everything they can to predict better than they did last year. They may or may not get it right.

Regardless, a WL not a reflection of a student’s accomplishments.


Might I remind members of the forum rules: “Our forum is expected to be a friendly and welcoming place, and one in which members can post without their motives, intelligence, or other personal characteristics being questioned by others."


“College Confidential forums exist to discuss college admission and other topics of interest. It is not a place for contentious debate. If you find yourself repeating talking points, it might be time to step away and do something else… If a thread starts to get heated, it might be closed or heavily moderated.”


Northeastern is a need blind school for US citizens and permanent residents and need aware for international students. International students rarely get any aide. It is very popular with international students. 25% of the student body is international and pay full price.
NU ‘s financial Aide office has been very receptive and helpful.