Northeastern Admissions Regular Decision Fall 2022

NU Admissions will send a tweet simultaneously with the release of the first wave of decisions. Emails are sent usually a few minutes after the first wave. There has never been official advance notice.


When the results are out, they also share on their ‘NU Admissions’ Instagram account.

Bad news, I’m not sure if 3/16 is likely especially with the high volume of apps this year. Perhaps 3/23 or 3/30 is a better bet?

I mean last year was 3/18. Was there a higher volume of apps this year compared to last year?

They had a record number of applicants last year (~76,000) and decisions actually came out 3/17. This year I think they broke their record again, but I also think something like 53,000 were early action or early decision compared to less than 40,000 last year, which was a big increase from last year. So, yeah 3/16 is by no means definite, but I think it’s still possible.


Agreed, in general colleges meet decision deadlines they set for themselves regardless of applicant numbers.

Correct, and only to add, about 70% of EA applicants were deferred, so we are looking at 70k ish decisions to come out in RD. It wouldnt be surprising if they came out next week, but we’ll see.

I think, because they got so burned last year with over-enrollment, they’ll wait as long as possible with this years RD decisions. Each day, more and more ED and EA students that were admitted, are accepting their offers. By waiting longer they’ll have a much better feel of actual # of slots accepted by ED/EA and decide how many more offers to make accordingly. That’s just my hunch, not based on any inside information.


Any word of a decision release today?

They didn’t notify ahead of time for EA. Will just have to wait and see tonight.

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what time are decisions usually released?

Usually released somewhere around 5pm EST, in waves. The waves go across the US, so each region normally gets their decisions around 5pm their time. At least, that was how it was with EA (I got deferred). The best way to tell if today really is the decision date is to watch the NU Admissions Instagram page, because they post when they begin releasing on the east coast. Good luck!!


Thank you, good luck to you too!!

Yes I remember my daughter didn’t get an email to check her portal until the night of the EA decision release (she was also deferred). Were there any portal changes noticeable? She still has the withdraw application option at the bottom of her portal, seems like that would disappear once decisions were inputted into the system.

I did notice a change yesterday! Normally in the portal I have to login twice to get into the portal. However, yesterday I only had to login once. Same thing happened a couple days before EA decision (I also got deferred).

I just logged in and the same thing happened to me!

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Mine is still two…

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yikes there goes our theory

mine is one toooo. theory one means acceptance and one means wait/rejected?

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Mine was two when I tried on my phone and one on the laptop. Maybe that’s the issue?