Northeastern Early Decision and Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

I am so mad. When she got home from work I told her the results were out but she did not want to look at them with me she wanted to look with her friends this morning at school. I even bribed her with $100. To be a fly on the wall at my house last night would have been a show. I could not get a good sleep. I do not know how see she was able to sleep knowing it was out there. So I guess she will either call/text me from school this morning or I will find out when she gets home


Sorry to hear thatā€¦let her know she can keep the tuition bill to herself as well. :joy:

Good luck!


My son was accepted to NUin.
33 ACT
3.8 W


Can you tell us where you heard about the 1000 extra beds? DC applied EA and (if admittedā€“a big if) this may factor into the decisionā€¦

Rejected for

3.7 U.W
4.2 W

Great ECs
Test optional.

This morning my daughter gave me her portal password and said I can look but not to tell her because she will wait for me after school. My husband said she felt bad last night when she really thought about it. Should I wait or look? I am so conflicted. I do not know how she can wait all this time. She has always been a little different. But I love her.

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So she will still look with her friends? Gosh- Iā€™d be tempted to look after she left for school! Good luck!


you should look.


Put it this way, my D22 and I have a list of portal log ins and passwords that we go to whenever we want. Itā€™s taped on the wall. Look.

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Tough choice :neutral_face:

If it were me in this situation, Iā€™d wait.

Regardless, wishing your daughter lots of luck!

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Iā€™d look since she gave you permission. I will be doing the same for my S; I figure if the news is bad, I will be better prepared to be there for him, and if the news is good, the joy is still something we can share when we get together.


I would wait also. Good luck!

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Yes, there was a post on reddit and an official document that I might have found from that post. Not sure if links are allowed here. I thinks its 900+ but try googling that. Itā€™s on my computer at home - let me know if you donā€™t find it.

I would waitā€¦ nah, I wouldnā€™t lol. I dont know how you could stand it!

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2,700 apps and admitted 875 and then 400 to NU in

Thanks everyone. I will wait so we can be happy or sad together. If she did not make it I will be the shoulder to cry on. She gets home from school at 2:30. So I will be writing more later.


My daughter is a current Northeastern student and yes, they are looking make room for more beds within their existing rooms.

Thanks Amanda, where did you find those statistics? Wondering how many NUBound.