Northeastern Early Decision and Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

:grinning: sure

And if not me, someone here definitely will.

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anybody used/ expirienced " raise me" app for merit in regards to NEU?
If you qualify in Raise me and get admitted - do they give you" raise me" amount or they can give a bit more ? thank you

They can give you more. We’ve heard back from a few schools, and so far all have given more merit aid than Raise Me indicated.

But I see that your question was about NEU in particular, and I don’t have any experience with that!

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I know someone who used raise me. With raise me, the amount you get from the app will be taken away from potential scholarships you would get at Northeastern. So, lets say you would get 30k in merit aid per year at Northeastern without raise me. If you get 10k per year from raise me, you would only get 20k per year from the Northeastern merit aid.

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Uh, I don’t think that is correct. Need based aid may be reduced but not merit aid.

Both can be reduced. As far as I know from discussing raise me with people who received it, they have had both types of aid reduced as the raise me aid was factored in.


ha, thanks. I do follow on Insta

I think part of this is how you view the process. Northeastern is participating in RaiseMe and giving you information about a minimum amount of merit aid that you would receive at Northeastern. All of the merit aid is coming from Northeastern, not from RaiseMe. If Northeastern estimates 10K per year on RaiseMe, Northeastern might read your full application and end up deciding that they will give you 30K merit aid, which you can think of as the 10K from RaiseMe plus an additional 20K more.

I think the point of the app is for schools to give kids a rough idea of a minimum amount of merit aid. This is helpful because the merit aid process is so hard to understand.

RaiseMe is a different process than receiving a scholarship from an independent source.

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The NEU Website still says Feb 1. so let’s keep the countdown as is :slight_smile:

“Decision day will be on decision day”

Yogi Berra

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Late to this thread but WOW…so, the 2020-2021 Common Data Set showed a total of 1014 ED acceptances out of 1979 who applied (for a 51% acceptance rate)…I assume that’s both ED1 and ED2, right? But, for 2021-2022 ED1, it looks like 885 acceptances out of (over) 2700, for an acceptance rate of 32.7%. That’s an enormous drop…and that’s only ED1!!! WE have to assume ED2 will be lower, right? Do we assume that the total number of ED acceptances will be the same as last year? Then they will only take 129 (i.e. 1014-885) in ED2 out of the 1430 ED2 applications, for an ED2 rate of 9% and a combined ED rate of 1014/(2700+1430) = 24.6%?

The other thing that’s jumping out to me is that the class size they are projecting (880x3 = 2640) is much smaller than last year (4,500) and the years before (3,128 and 2,996).

Unless I’m missing something, it looks like it’s going to be a very tough admissions cycle…best of luck to your kids, all…and, as someone who did not get in to their first choice 100 years ago, I can attest that it does all work out…


What time do the decisions usually come out at?

One correction to your math: 880 is 1/3 of 2933 (not 2640). That number is similar to NEU’s recent class sizes other than last year which they have stated is an overenrollment whoopsie. So about 3k for an ideal class size seems right. Also, last year’s ED accept-percent is also an aberration – 37% is more typical. So what does that mean for ED2? Likely the admit rate will be lower than 37% but at least a little higher than their historical RD admit rate of 20%. If it turns out to be 25% for example, that would add another 357 students to the class. Add that to the 880 and that means about 40% of the total enrolled got in ED, which is similar to many other competitive schools. I think last year’s overenrollment and an unpredictable yield combine to make the school want to enroll MORE students through binding ED because it gives them predictability.


Do you think decisions will be out tomorrow?

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Waves come out starting at 4 PM EST. The waves are geographic starting in New England. Please see the thread:
What to Expect on EA Decision Day 2022 - Colleges and Universities A-Z / Northeastern University - College Confidential Forums


1/3 of 2933 is 978 not 880…pretty sure that 880 is 1/3 of 2,640.

But maybe you’re right and they will try to bring in a higher proportion of the class during ED…

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Does anyone else have a new thing under the optional section of the portal saying “My Financial Aid Status?”

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My D22 has that too. Is it new or was it always there?

This is what I see. I check the portal almost every day and this is new.