Northeastern Early Decision and Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Well, my D22 is bright and involved and is considered a smart kid at her hs. However, she is not in what I’d call the “upper eschelon.” I don’t think the GC recommended not submitting because of others who were applying. I think GC knows how competitive NEU has gotten and knew the insight that @adwess just shared.

I think a 1470 is like a 33 or 34? I think that’s a great score, and if my D22 had a 33, I think she may have submitted it. Good luck

I know. I was shocked!

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Do you feel similarly about the AP tests? And do you think those should be submitted to a TO school if all 4/5s?

Wondering if anyone knows how much NU aims for geographical diversity. My son applied EA w/ 3.9/4.5 GPA; ACT 33 composite/34 superscore and excellent, well-rounded ECs. Midwestern private school. No classmates applying EA/RD as far as we know; one suprisingly denied ED. I was hopeful until reading the thread…

Maybe spin off a separate thread to discuss this? Since it’s not specific to Northeastern early admissions. A separate thread will also receive inputs from people who are likely not reading this NEU thread.



Wait–that’s saying the same thing twice. 42% of enrolled student (1875 out of 4504) submitted scores. What we don’t know is the % of applicants who submitted scores…that might give some indication as to whether submitting is advantageous or not…

You are right, my apologies … we need the number of total admits (not enrolled) who did not submit a test score.

Yes, definitely submit if you have 4/5s!

Are GPAs also effected then by parents that can afford tutoring for their children? Kids here in my son’s high school are tutored up the wazoo in every subject. Also, how many kids are getting help writing their essays by capable parents and paid college coaches? Big business for college coaches in our town as well…


exactly my point. Everything correlates with wealth. ))). Going to NEU at 75$ k a year correlates with wealth big time…


Also- going / applying to a very selective institution like NEU is like… going to Olympic games. ))). You have to have the best scores/ overall package - to be be accepted. Its a selective school for a reason… its competitive. Nobody gives medals at Olympic games for participation. If we look further down the line to a graduate school - medical , nursing , law, busness schools- ALL are require an entrtance test. And when you graduate - you have to take another test ( board , bar …) exams to be able to start practising. All those schools also shoudl be TO? ))) What kind of doctors /lawyers /nurses /accountants we would have if we continue in this direction?


Wondering if anyone received money from NEU for National Hispanic Recognition this year? I am still waiting for the EA decisions.

Well, mismatch and distrust until the whole system collapses and then start all over again.


Is Feb 1 confirm for EA?

No confirmed date, but best guess is Wed Jan 26th.


Do they sent an email the day decisions come out or is an email sent a day or so earlier?

Last year they tweeted the morning of.
And I think they sent out emails later in the day.

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Great, thanks. Will you let us know when they tweet?