Northeastern Early Decision and Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

does anyone know if applying for aid hurts your chances at northeastern? saw a reddit comment about it

I thought only I noticed this… This is my observation as well…

at the info session at NEU they said that northeastern is need aware so they do take into account whether you will need financial aid or not but it wont be a deciding factor

If not Wednesday, which is today, it could be Friday, Thursday… another two days’ waiting…

Good luck everyone! I just changed the thread title to include EA results for future readers, since all of us keep commenting on this 1 thread.

For those of you who have NEU as your #1, try to be objective. The numbers are looking so tight this year for this school. The decision, whatever it is, does not define you. You are still the awesome kid that you are even if you don’t get in.


Was the course syllabus tab always there? What is it for?

yes, guidance counselor:)

Actually it’s the opposite. Need aware is when an institution does take into account whether you need financial aid.

Another reminder, my S16 was initially deferred, but was then accepted RD with a financial aid package that was as normal had he been accepted EA. So deferrals can really work out.


How much stock to put on Naviance data?

S22’s Naviance is very optimistic.
While his instate HS is not a feeder school to Ivys (example: only 4 students total have been accepted to Princeton in ~20years), it’s about 50% acceptances for Northeastern every year.
So it’s hard not to be hopeful with such data.

Data shows that 112 students applied to NEU this year.

Good luck.

Before acceptances started rolling in we were very optimistic about S22’s stats. But what he is seeing is that nothing is as expected. His high stats have resulted in deferrals, where acceptances as posted here in College Confidential don’t necessarily reflect admissions to the high stat kids??? 47 kids from his HS have applied to NEU. At the start of this we truly felt it was a target, but now…all seems like a total crapshoot. With schools that do not have supplemental essays, how is an applicant supposed to portray their ‘unique’ voice? And as @Winky1 said, the important thing to remember and remind our students is that, indeed, they are still the amazing kid who accomplished so much! College and Covid are in interesting mix and this is our first child.


Is it confirmed that EA decisions will be out today? Or are we just speculating- as always :slight_smile:

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Same here…this was clearly a target well within range with daughter’s stats and ECs, but more and more looking like a stretch for no other reason than it has become too popular of a destination…I think everybody needs to keep things in perspective with small incoming class sizes at these colleges. We have learned that lesson elsewhere with a deferral where she was clearly above the 75th percentile of applicants …Unfortunately, that means applying to more places and giving bigger state flagships a real good look which they deserve…


It always was. For transfer credit purposes.

I wish I could remember who on CC has said this, but I can’t remember. It’s such a great analogy – all of the effort, amazing grades and ECs have allowed the students to buy a lottery ticket. And they have cast that lottery ticket into the admissions basket at NEU. That is how I see it and how I can understand how a solid student like my kid can be in the same arena as a 1600 kid who has national science awards. Either kid could be accepted and either kid could be denied, deferred, NU in or NU Bound.


It is informed speculation based on what Northeastern has done over the past several years. We will find out around 4 PM EST today.

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Didn’t someone in this forum speak to a NEU CC, and the CC confirmed that it was coming out today at 7PM?

No. EA and RD decisions have always started coming out at 4 PM EST. ED decisions come out at 7 PM EST.

What is a CC?

College Counselor I think as opposed to College Confidential

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In the NU Parents Facebook group they say that unlike ED, which release all at once, EA notifications are released by region on a rolling basis. So it might not be an exact time, but they do get them out in one evening.

Good luck everyone and remember that a deferral is not a denial.