Northeastern Early Decision and Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Yeah, because there are only 2800 ED1 applications but about 54000 EA applications

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Do we know how many expected acceptances out of the 54,000?

I’m assuming this has always been there (and I never really dissected the portal before this) but has there always been a due date attached to the “additional college transcripts” tab?



Please read this thread:
What to Expect on EA Decision Day 2022 - Colleges and Universities A-Z / Northeastern University - College Confidential Forums


Thats the age old question that many of us have been wondering since the beginning of this admissions cycle, and unfortunately, almost everything is up to speculation.

If we base off of previous admissions cycles, such as last year, we would expect that approximately 18-20% of EA applicants will be accepted, therefore seeing about 10,000 acceptances.

But I don’t think that this is the case for this year. While Northeastern has seemed to make it clear that they intend to admit a large pool this year (plans to expand bed spaces in East Village and International Village dorms by about 1900 beds for next year, renting out dorms at Wentworth Institute of Technology) I think that they are still expecting a yield rate around 33% like last year. Knowing this, and assuming an estimated acceptance rate from last year of about 18.5% across all applications would mean that there would be about 17,000 acceptances and about 5700 enrolled. But this is way too many students to handle unless many of them are sent to other campuses. Northeastern doesn’t have that capability yet, though, although I do believe they are on the track to getting there.

Rather, I believe that acceptances will be much lower (this is pure speculation of course.) Knowing that yield is going to be most likely at least 33%, and thinking that Northeastern is going to try and cap the housing crisis and dining hall mess they are partially responsible for creating, they will probably see a maximum of 4,000 enrolled. Therefore, there will likely be around 12,000 admitted students, bringing the admission rate down to 13.3%.

As a result, we would likely see the EA acceptance rate to be around the same, and therefore about 7000-7500 admitted students of the 54,000 in EA.

Please note, everything I just said is mostly conjecture, so don’t take it as fact. I do believe that my expectations have some serious merit to them, but time will tell whether its correct.


My daughter has been accepted to some good options but Northeastern is her top choice. I’m so nervous about decisions. :grimacing::grimacing:

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Total curiosity and nothing I ever followed at NEU even though I already have a sophomore there (ED, athlete, but great stats) and a son next door at Wentworth. Word on the streets is that Wentworth is selling their multipurpose field to Northeastern, and I wonder if they’ll build another residence hall. I also have a senior daughter who applied EA, so I suppose we’ll know soon.

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does anyone else see this?

literally same
im mad stupid for sending a 1350

do they notice or care about demonstrated intrest just because there is no supplement ?

No, but my DD is in midterm week right now and first semester grades aren’t final until next week so her high school counselor wouldn’t send hers until all that is in/final.

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Not exactly, but my D22’s did have something dated 1/24. “HS Term Grades.” But nothing from today. Is that what you mean? Or are you saying the Mid-Year Transcript, Mid Year Report? Has your school sent these recently?

I wouldn’t be surprised if Northeastern was buying the field and residence halls from Wentworth, but I think its more than that. I believe that Northeastern plans to merge with Wentworth as well as the New England Conservatory and MassArt, all likely within the next 25 years.

Northeastern is an empire of a school: unfortunately they have reached their limit of expansion within Boston by simply buying land, so now they have to take over other properties. Like the Roman Empire or Napoleonic France, this means that they need to take over other schools, and since Wentworth, NEC, and MassArt are right there, they will likely eat them up one by one.


Sounds like your GC sent these in?
I don’t think they are required for EA applicants.

Yes! Northeastern cares a lot about demonstrated interest, especially if you go out of your way to show it. That’s how I got in, at least what I believe is the reason.


You might be right. This is from their 2019-2020 common set prior to TO policy.

I was talking about the mid-year reports, but it most likely doesn’t mean anything.

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Yes, my GC did. I am an EA applicant though.

Will I find out about merit aid today too?