Northeastern Early Decision and Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Sounds like your GC is just being proactive. NEU does not require mid term grades for ED/EA but I guess they’ll list them on the site if received. But at this point decisions have already been made and the mid term grades won’t matter unless you get deferred.

From the portal “-If applicable, any scholarship and/or honors program information will be released with your decision.”


LOL There is a lot of speculation. MassArt is public so that merger is likely out of the question. One rumor I heard is that Wentworth will merge with UMass Boston and move to Columbia Point and that Northeastern will buy their current campus. NEC will remain independent unless they are on the verge of bankruptcy. Around 1970 NEC was on the verge of bankruptcy and they considered merging with Boston University. Some wealthy folks chipped in several million dollars to save NEC from that fate.

Fair about MassArt. Either way, it is very likely that Northeastern will be expanding into their campuses and possibly take over their schools, but who knows.

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that’s what I said! they just said that while it is a factor, it wont be the deciding factor!

I think Mass College of Art and Design - MCAD or old Mass Art is a hard no. I work for the state system, and I don’t think we’d give up an art school from our “collection.” Same deal with Umass Boston as they themselves are trying to get a stable footing, both figurative and literally as their campus is a construction nightmare.

Times are tough at Wentworth as the new president has made some very poor decisions. Wentworth did just acquire Benjamin Institute of Technology increasing their footprint. The saving grace for WIT is the strong connection to large building and construction companies in the area and beyond. My son will long be done by then, at least that’s what I think. I’m thinking down the road Wentworth is like Wheelock (BU) and is absorbed in Northeastern.

But in the one posting we saw (about a week ago) about the ED acceptance rates, didn’t it say that the 880 acceptances represented approximately 1/3 of the expected incoming class? that suggests a class of 2,640, much smaller than the 4,000 you’re suggesting. A yield of 33 percent gets a total number of acceptances to only 7,920. If 880 of those have already been filled with ED1, that only leaves a 7,040 TOTAL left for ED2, EA, and RD.

thats good to here i visited the school and attended also virtual sessions and i wrote two letters of continued intrest, as well as being active on LinkedIn and other socials. Hopefully thats good enough. thanks!

Hey! I have been following this thread for a whole. I keep seeing things about continued interest and I’m getting worried cause I only filled out what was on Common App. I’m definitely interested but worried I didn’t convey that enough. Should I have sent an email or something?
I applied for film and have a 4.0/4.0 unweighted 4.67/4.0 weighted and graduated second in my class of 190. I also graduated a year early with three leadership positions in drama club, film club, and improv club and two wins at small international film festivals.

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Exactly! We are local so a lot of kids from our high school apply. Last year 9 kids got accepted, 8 of those ended up going, all girls… you never know what they are looking for.

We have 45 kids who applied from my school!!! I am 3rd in class so hope that helps. I am also a URM.

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Haven’t seen or heard any sign of SA decisions being released today from Northeastern. Anyone think it’ll happen? I think I read that in the past, they put something on IG or Twitter the morning of?

*EA decisions

Yes they did for ED. I bet they don’t come out today.

Just checked Naviance. Now that D22 has a 4.9 w, she moved up on the graph. They did get her mid year grades, but only 2 days ago. Maybe will help if deferred. However, on the graph, there are acceptances and waitlists, but no red X’s :slight_smile: She has made it into what I call the “green area.” Can’t do any more than your best.

No, not morning of - but shortly after they load the decisions to the portals.
For example, the ED decisions in December went out around 7pm and they tweeted at 7:16.

Check your portal after 4pm today. Good luck!

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For EA last tear they didn’t tweet till 9 pm probably cause they wait till ever decision is out everywhere.


I just looked at their IG, they just made a post stating that ED decisions were out after they were released. Previous to that, they didn’t have any IG post that seemed to suggest that they were planning to release.


Do you mean EA results, not ED?

No they meant ED that were previously released, to show what the did recently