northeastern supplement - essay or none??

<p>i sent in my supplement half a month ago, to procrastinate my other essays and also because there was no essay. but having no essay, i've been having a fishy feeling since then.</p>

<p>is it true that northeastern has no supplementary essay?</p>

<p>If the Supplement on didn’t include a prompt for an essay, then it’s true. Heck, some colleges don’t even require a supplement to the Common App.</p>

<p>really? what other colleges? and why wouldnt it want a supplement essay? it kinda stressed me that i had to make my essay even more outstanding, especially since i’ve been nominated for a full paid scholorship there - would be really amazing if i get it.</p>

<p>and i feel honored to have your 300th post on my not so panicked thread. ((:</p>

<p>Hee hee… thanks, #300. ;)</p>

<p>One I know of that doesn’t require any supplement at all is Westminster College in Utah (they sent a NMSF scholarship offer to geek_son, who checked it out on and found out there was no supplement). There may be a thread around here somewhere with a list of colleges that don’t require supplements.</p>

<p>As to why they wouldn’t require a supplement… The more questions they ask you, the more stuff they have to read. Some colleges look at the Common App requirements and say, hey, one essay is enough and this application already tells us everything we need to know. Others say, hey, we really want to know X/Y/Z before we admit somebody. The former don’t require supplements; the latter do.</p>

<p>if weren’t for the pressure of the deadlines and all, i actually like thinking about the prompts, especially interesting ones like uchicago. i got to learn about myself in this application process… its just the stress now.</p>

<p>even though northeastern relieved me of the stress of another essay, in a way i feel so… uncared for without the prompts.</p>

<p>Think of it like this instead: If Northeastern is actively considering you for a full-ride scholarship, then they already know you’re somebody they’d like to admit. So why should they waste your time making you answer a bunch of extra questions?</p>

<p>But yes, I think the application process can be pretty neat because of the introspection it prompts. Probably sort of an ego booster too, as you look back and realize all the things you have accomplished already in high school</p>

<p>haha… true. four years ago, looking at integrals i would have been like ?!*&^%</p>

<p>and i’d probably not know how to play the saxophone! :D</p>