Northeastern to require all students to be vaccinated for fall semester

Pfizer and BioNTech completed the Phase 3 clinical trials of their vaccine, and published their results in November 2020. Moderna did the same in December, and J&J in February 2021.


The ones who say that their student is turning down Northeastern (or Cornell, Brown, Rutgers etc.) are first time CC posters so take that with a grain of salt.


Roger Williams University in Rhode Island will also require it.

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I am not a first time poster. Mine is turning down Rutgers because of this.

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I also find it disheartening that they state this now when it’s almost decision deadline. Many of these kids will be forced to get vaccinated as they now only have the choice of getting it or not attending a school they worked hard to get into. If they announced this in October would they get those same number of applicants? Not so sure.


How do you know the school you choose instead will not have this requirement? Have they affirmatively stated that a vaccine will not be required?

Why didn’t schools say this in October? Because there was no vaccine yet. If you remember the vaccines first became available in December and then it was only to healthcare workers. Schools are announcing this now because it is now becoming apparent that there will be enough vaccine available for everyone.


There was no vaccine last October. Most of the pushback is coming from parents, not the students.

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Yes I realize there wasn’t a vaccine in October. My point is it’s disheartening to have this announced when kids have no other options. You also can’t state for sure that every school will follow. There is thousands of schools and so far under 10 who have stated this. I am sure others will follow but I will venture to say many will not.

I would guess that red state public schools would be the least likely to require the covid vaccine, but an unvaccinated student might have a relatively more limited choice of roommates. Many people remain fearful of the virus, which is understandable.

Schools that are struggling to fill freshman classes likely will not require vaccinations. Nor will schools where the administration is more concerned about pandering to the antivaxxers than the health of their community.


This sounds like the right decision for you to make. Hopefully your son feels the same way (or didn’t put Northeastern as #1 for any other reason) to avoid conflict between the two of you.

Regardless, if their yield ends up being too small, folks on the waitlist will be thrilled.

That said, from what I’m hearing, many students are hoping schools they like follow suit so they could easily find themselves with more students than they expected if others don’t (soon).

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It’s definitely an issue for however many students (parents?) it affects this year, but that’s the only way it could happen so there’s no way around it if schools want to do their best to return to normal safely.

For future years it will be like the meningitis vax (or others) that one should be able to know is required prior to selecting where to apply.

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There wasn’t a vaccine available for this age range in October, or even last month!

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My daughter graduated Rutgers in 2018, I remember her having to get the vaccine after there were cases.

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These regulations are changing with lightning speed. If people are shocked by sudden decisions, which are designed to protect the health and welfare of all, then let them go somewhere that isn’t as concerned about health and safety. I am frankly amazed that anyone is surprised by this announcement at all.


See and I find that such an odd statement. I’m not “anti vaccine” and nor are many I know. Myself and my children are all vaccinated with the fda approved vaccines. To call someone “anti-vax” just because they are not comfortable putting something in their bodies which isn’t fda approved, has been rush made and made for a something with a 90% plus survival rate is just kinda rude.


This thread is sooooooo off-topic and rehashed so much of what has been said before and has sooooooo many ToS violations that I am at a loss. So closing pending mgmt review and guidance.


From discussion with the admin, the thread will remain closed for reasons I listed earlier. In the meanwhile, a more (IMO) beneficial thread has been started:

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