Northeastern University EA Corona Seniors

This allows our office to send specific communications to your family members to support you in the application process and ensure they are invited to upcoming virtual events. - is what it says, as the reason

I hope this means that we might get good news

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i also just got that email, it might be that news is coming soon or it could just be a general thing

I git it too

Dors it mean anything?

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Mine says to complete it by January 10th latest, would decisions possibly come out on the 13th? I heard they are usually on Wednesdays.

I hope so

That would be cool, but it seems really early since they said by February 1st. I hope they come out soon! :crossed_fingers:t2:


The most likely date for EA decisions would be 1/19-1/21. It is possible that decisions would come out next week 1/12-1/14 but that is less likely.

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Did everyone applied to EA got email about adding parents email ? Just curious

We applied for EA and got the email

I applied ea and also got the email

Yes, my daughter got the email around 6:40pm last night (live in CA).

Seems like general email or does it mean anything ?

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It definitely means nothing but what they stated. No matter if someone got in or not, parents generally need to be notified about stuff to, like events and decision date and financial aid things. There would have to be at least 1 person in this forum definitely not getting the email for it to be more of an exclusive thing. don’t worry!

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Also, as I’ve learned from previous threads, please DO NOT post any kind of information that is going to freak people out. No need for everyone to get stressed over a button disappearing in the portal or emails that are very general sounding yk?? :slight_smile:

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Ok good to know. There is nothing wrong folks discussing here any changes as it’s a more general forum and everyone has right to express their opinions. Sole purpose of this college confidential forums for this and its anonymous

Since the email said to update by January 10th, it might mean that they are releasing decisions soon, but we don’t really know.

Honestly I hope so but I’m trying not to get freaked out. Some schools are pushing dates bc of influx in apps. anyone have stats for how many EA apps they got?

My D applied to EA and she did not get any email to add / verify parent(s) email and also there is nothing like that under Optional section in her portal. D added one parent email in the common app when submitted.

So who ever got that email, could you please let me know on my below questions.

  • Did you add the parent(s) email in the common app when the application was submitted?

If yes, then did you get an email to verify those? (OR) To add again?

If not, then did you get an email to add?