Northeastern University Early Action / Early Decision for Fall 2023 Admission

Do you mean Letter of continued interest before EA decisions come out?

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What is the ā€œNU Accelerate Interest Formā€ on the portal used for? Is it to sign up for a program thatā€™s specific to NUin students or for all students?


Hi, yes so for NU In students, housing is guaranteed when they return in the spring as well as for their second year. The school anticipates these students return so they definitely have dorms available. From what I have heard from students who have done NU In in the past, typically students end up being roommates in Boston with a friend they made when they were abroad, but there are also opportunities to get paired with someone who has been on campus already too. I know NU is known for having housing issues, but NU in students will for sure have on campus housing upon their arrival to Boston. For me, all freshman had to rank Living Learning Communities in order of preference, and they are basically just themes to group floors of dorms by. For example, I am in the Healthy Living LLC, and there are others that center around hobbies and majors. They then assigned us our dorms based on that, as a way to foster relationships with people you have things in common with. Iā€™m not entirely sure if NU in students pick a Living Learning Community as it may be more based on what dorms have the most availability, but all of the on campus dorms are pretty similar.


Itā€™s really up to you. I personally feel like you might as well at least send in letter of interest/why you are really wanting NU and a resume if its adds information not from the application before EA decisions come out especially because there was no supplemental essay for students to elaborate more on their interest. Thereā€™s really no way to know for sure how much admissions pays attention to these extra efforts, but I feel like it canā€™t hurt to put all your best efforts out there in such a competitive environment.


For NUIn students, do you know if a dining hall is available at some or all the abroad locations?

What is the ā€œNU Accelerate Interest Formā€ on the portal used for? Is it to sign up for a program thatā€™s specific to NUin students or for all students?

Hi, the NU accelerate program essentially allows any students admitted through ED1/2 to take up to 8 credits for free. It was a summer school program and I opted in to take 1 course (4 credits) during one of the summer sessions. It was fully asynchronous, and I personally thought it was a great way to get a course done and for no charge was an excellent bonus. I definitely recommend taking advantage of it if your summer plans permit.

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Can you take the 8 credits any summer or does it have to be the summer before you start in the fall of freshman year? Is it a course online or in person? Thank you!

I donā€™t see any information outlining dining halls for the NU In locations. If you go to Frequently Asked Questions | Northeastern - N.U. in there is a cost breakdown, and they advise students have about $700-$1200 per month for food and necessities so I would assume meal plans are not part of NU In- but that may be better because many students donā€™t use their meal plans to their full capacity and money gets wasted.

It is just the summer before you start- I believe there are some in person offerings however there were a lot of online ones as well which is what I did because I live far from Boston. The summer is also split into 2 sessions so you could do one course the first half and another the second or you could do 1 or 2 in one summer sessions, itā€™s up to you. The courses did fill up pretty quickly so if you are interested in it definitely stay on top of the registration dates.

How was the workload for the summer Accelerate class? Just want to know how many hours a week to expect.

It would vary by class but in my experience it wasnā€™t a big workload at all. I took micro economics and I would say I spent a couple hours a week on it between the weekly homework assignments and discussion posts, and maybe a little bit more for the 3 quizzes we had. When you register for the classes you should be able to see the syllabus as well which will help you get a better idea of what to expect. I know some involve some group work through zoom so that is also something to consider if you are traveling etc but you should be able to find a course that fits how much free time you have.

Does anyone know if itā€™s possible to transfer out of Oakland after a year? I got into Oakland, not N.U. In or Global Scholars. Oakland is really far for me and I donā€™t want to go there for more than a year. Iā€™m thinking about applying to BU and NYU if I canā€™t transfer.

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I read on a NEU webpage that ED 1 students can take the Accelerate course in spring too. Hereā€™s a link to the course guide from last year. (Page 6).

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I am not sure if NU Admissions does this, but can you contact them to see if they would switch you to a Boston campus admission if you received

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Interesting takeaway from the ED posts is the fair amount of TO acceptances.

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My daughter was accepted last night in ED1 for It was her first preference more so because we thought it would give her a better chance at getting in; maybe it helped. She would have preferred straight Boston campus, but itā€™s binding and sheā€™s just ecstatic she got in.
4.4 weighted GPA (no UW at her school)
36 class rank, top 15% in her class
6 or so AP classes
High honor roll every semester since freshman year
Nation Honor Society and Spanish Honor Society
TO (her scores definitely would have hurt her)
I would say decent EC, but nothing crazy
No sports, no hooks
We toured campus twice, once regular tour and second via invite for ED


Iā€™ve heard great things about NUin! My son didnā€™t want to do NUin but heā€™s going to do it. If you really want to go to NEU, you should do it. Donā€™t give it up because of NUin before you speak to some students who have done it.

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No they wonā€™t switch you to start in Boston. They were very clear about this in the info session about ED. If you are offered admission with NUin or global scholars, then thatā€™s your only option or you decline and go somewhere else.

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The higher that mid test score keeps getting the more TO optional applicants there will be