Northeastern vs. Boston University

Right now I’m considering neuroscience for what I want to do but I’m not sure if I want to do pre-med or not. What college do you think would be best if I choose to do pre-med or if I choose not to? A big thing for me is choosing a college that is good all around in case I decide to not do neuroscience and want to change my major. Between the two, what would be the best for that? I’m planning to go to Boston soon and I would like to tour both but I don’t really want to “waste my time” with one of them if it isn’t what I want.

Money is not an issue luckily.

I’d strongly suggest that you tour both schools and then decide.

You can tour both schools in the same day- that’s what we did. It will help answer your questions.

No one can say for sure what is the best school for you. You could tour and possibly like both, like one, or like neither. It’s worthwhile to discover that for yourself.