<p>I am of course like everyone else and want to go to Harvard....but I am looking for other schools to consider in case the adcoms at Harvard are not as welcoming as I would like. I got a 169 on my lsat, but I am considering retesting. As of now my gpa is a 3.88 but I still have another year so we will see. Is Northeastern a good school? Does anybody have sugestions for matches in the northeast region? Thanks.</p>
<p>Me again, I just wanted to add....how much will it matter that I did not graduate high school? I got my GED and my first year of college was a community college, my degree will be from UMASS Boston. I know this does not look good, but will it really affect my chances at all Law Schools?</p>
<p>Many law schools will be intrigued by your story (no H.S. diploma) and interested in your solid college GPA. Just be very broad about the schools your choose to apply to. If you want to stay in the northeast, think about:</p>
<p>Keep in mind...
Case Western Reserve University
Indiana U-Bloomington
U of West Virginia
Saint Louis University
Washington University
U of Iowa</p>
<p>Being an alumni from a midwestern school, you will have to work hard (extra effort) to get a job in the northeast, but by no means is it impossible. Honestly, however, if Wall Street or other Manhattan firm is your goal, you better get admitted to Columbia or another elite law school.</p>
<p>Not at all. You'll be a UMass Boston grad, period. If you keep your numbers where they are, you will probably get into much better schools than Northeastern.</p>
<p>I'd rank the 6 law schools in Boston like this:</p>
<ol> <li>Harvard</li> <li>BC/BU (debatable)</li> <li>Northeastern</li> <li>Suffolk</li> <li>NESL</li> </ol>
<br> [QUOTE=""]
<p>if Wall Street or other Manhattan firm is your goal, you better get admitted to Columbia or another elite law school.</p>
<p>Why? You don't need top 6 to get to Wall Street; you only need top 6 to GUARANTEE Wall Street. If you do well at, say, BC, BU, or GW, you can absolutely go V25 in New York.</p>
<p>thanks for the imput...I live in boston and I think I would like to go to school there and work there as well, so I will look into BC, BU, and Suffolk...thanks. By the way, is Law School like Undergrad School as in they like "hooks"? For instance I am a single mother and an Iraq war veteran, will that help at all? Thanks.</p>
<p>In my experience, law school admissions committees at the competitive schools want you to elaborate on why you want to attend law school. What is it in your background that attracts you to law?</p>
<p>An EC experience may help you explain this, but if it doesn't, then don't overstate your participation in the activity.</p>