<p>Some interesting images of the new science building from the NYT and The Bwog</p>
<p>Don't particularly think it fits in nicely with the McKim plan but certainly adds some much needs space for the sciences. The architect Moneo states he hates brick-what wrong with brick? Looks like the building would not have been structurally sound without all these cross bars since the structural supports would have otherwise gone through the basketball court. Useful but still ugly!!</p>
<p>What do you all think?</p>
<p>The new lecture hall certainly cant compare with the classic 309 Havemeyer Hall</p>
<p>Looks like another monstrosity like that other glass building at the SW corner of the campus (at least Lerner kept some of the McKim style a little bit of the red brick here and there). </p>
<p>I remember Pupin went basically all the way to Broadway, but I guess not. How tight is that space between the west wall of Pupin and the street? And what was there before?</p>
<p>And are they going to put anyone’s name on the building, or can they not find any rich alum in this economy? </p>
<p>Those wooden chairs in 309 Hav hurt your hiney!!</p>
<p>Looks like that will now be the 120th St entrance to the Science Building</p>
<p>And yes the wooden chairs in 309 hurt my tushy as well - but those seats certainly kept me awake - almost impossible to fall asleep in those wooden chairs but some of my classmates sure did try.</p>
<p>The tennis courts were southwest of the entrance to Pupin on the plaza and just north of Chandler. The footprint of the new building is where they were I believe. The load of the building has to be shifted to this side since directly below the new building (and old tennis courts) is Levian gym.</p>
<p>Not cool to have support columns at center court - then again it might help</p>
<p>yeah, the tennis courts were north of chandler/havemeyer, and west of pupin. there’s a little quad there in front of pupin and they were west of that.</p>