Northwestern Class of 2027 Official Thread

Yes!! My D21 is a sophomore at Smith. We are moving to Amherst in August. D23 should attend NU IMO, but she wants to wait and hear more this week before making her decision. Her top choices are all freezing cold.


We are doing a virtual Comm school thing this weekend and attending the Bay Area admitted student reception in SF in a couple weeks. We already visited campus and are not revisiting at this time.


NU is a gorgeous campus but itā€™s cold November - March. And being on Lake Michigan makes it feel colder with the wind. Itā€™s also cloudy a lot in winter but not as sun deprived as the Michigan and Indiana side of the lake. They need to prepared for the weather and take appropriate steps if they are susceptible to seasonal depression. And invest in a few warm coats and boots. When I worked at NU, I always knew which students came from warm climates as they would already be wearing their heavy down coats in October.


3 posts were split to a new thread: Chance me for Northwestern

My CA boy adapted. We loaded him up on long underwear, warm coats, boots etc. and the first winter was a shock. But last week, in his third year, he went out in shorts because the weather turned ā€œniceā€ when temperature hit the upper 40s. Lol!


Northwestern is a top tier school. Yield protection is not something they engage in, I can say with complete confidence.


Well they do, as do all schools with ED, by taking a large portion of the class via ED all of whom attend which ensures high yield. But I agree they have no need to apply it as part of admissions process in RD pool, as there arenā€™t many schools that are more selective and admissions to those are basically a lottery, so rejecting someone because you think he will get into an even more selective school and go there would be absurd.


Anyone know when March Through the Arch is? Sept 12, but what time? Weā€™re ready to get plane tickets!

Move in will be before that. I would wait to buy tickets until you know the move in day/time.

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Itā€™s Sept 11. Everything is posted online with time except the Arch event on Sept 12.

If Iā€™m remembering properly, last year it was late morning but I donā€™t know if itā€™s always the same schedule.

My family members left the next day.

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How is the social scene at Northwestern (ex. party culture, school spirit)?


Here:# the family website: Partnering with Family Members to Support Their Students: Dean of Students - Northwestern University

Not only make plane tickets now, but also the hotel reservations.

Separately I canā€™t recall where we found the actual info, but here are the details for the 12th:

"Cheer for the Class of ā€™27 and new transfer students as they take their symbolic first steps at Northwestern!

At 9:30 a.m., families may line the March through the Arch route (shown at right) while students assemble with their PA groups.

At 10 a.m., led by the Northwestern University Marching Band, PA groups 1 through 200ā€”all carrying numbered signsā€”start crossing Sheridan Road to take their walk through Weber Arch, then on to Deering Meadow for a pep rally with University and student leaders.

Around 10:50 a.m., Kiss ā€™nā€™ Bye is a time for families and students to say their farewells. Students then rejoin their PA groups for the rest of the day while families attend orientation events."


Thanks! We did get lodging. If you ever track down the source of the arch March details please post. Cheers!

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Whatā€™s recommended for coats and boots?

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My son was accepted and we couldnā€™t be more excited.


Does anyone know if parents typically attend family weekend every year or just during their childā€™s freshmen year? Just was wondering since hotel prices are really high during that weekend - I guess they know itā€™s family weekend. Daughter still hasnā€™t committed yet so just been looking at hotels and prices since we are from East coast.

Think it varies a lot. This is my third and the only family weekend we ever went to was the freshman year one for the oldest kid lol. The programs donā€™t usually interest us and it is better to visit on a quieter weekend. Even though my NW kid will be a freshman I doubt we will go to the family weekend - May come up the following weekend instead. To answer your question some parents always go, some never go, and most probably go freshman year but not after that.


Wow to send three kids there- you must really love the school. We really enjoyed visiting the school but itā€™s so far for us to travel regularly over there while I still have another child in school.

Lol no I meant I sent three kids to college. The older two didnā€™t go to Northwestern! Though we have certainly run into some families that have two kids there.

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