<p>but take a look:
McCormick Engineering BTW / Michigan Ann Arbor / Wisc: Madison</p>
<p>White male from LI
GPA: 4.0 (It is actually like 3.93 or something but because our school weights A+'s over A's, it offsets A-'s. But it is reported on my transcript as 4.0 so yeah...)
Rank: 6/375 from an average public school
SAT : 740 V 690 M 640 W (11 essay) I suck at the mult choice :(
SAT IIs: US 710 Chem 720</p>
<p>APs Ive taken: US Hist 4 / Chem 4 / Comp Sci A 4 / Eng Lang 3
I will have taken 10 APs by grad</p>
<p>Awards/Honors, nothing special
Published website for local mortgage company
Placed in county-wide Math League competition
Placed 3rd in Animation Competition
Science Honor Society
Principal's Gold Letter
AP Scholar
High Honor Roll</p>
<p>ECs, again, nothing too spectacular
Small Web Design Business (Websites / Java applications) 9/10/11/12
Electrical Engineering Internship at BIT Corp 11
Math League 10/11/12
Church Youth Group 10/11/12
S.T.A.R.S (comm/school service club) 10/11/12
Summer Camp Counselor 10/11
Volunteer at Doctor's office 9/10/11/12
Tutor 11
The Physics Society 12
NHS 11/12
Foreign Language HS 9/10/11/12</p>
<p>I'm afraid that my minimal leadership will kill me. I mean I do run the small business, and was the Lead Intern, and have had small positions such as Task manager but I've never been able to snag 'president' of anything. Oh well...
Also, I guess it is worth mentioning that I wasn't in honors level math courses for 9th/10th grade (scheduling), but I took a class at a community college during 11th, and made it to AP Calc in 12th.
Assume average to above average Recs/Essays</p>
<p>Speaking of which, I have to stop procrastinating and finish an essay for UMich. Thanks everyone!</p>