Northwestern, Northeastern, RIT or RHIT?

My sense about females at Rose is they are happy and well supported. We had a tour with an undergraduate engineering major from Florida, and she seemed very happy at Rose. Gender parity will not happen in the workplace for a good 50 years, so you have to get used to the gender imbalance sooner rather than later. This is the mistake schools like CMU, MIT, and Northwestern make, they actually create an artificial “girl heavy” environment, and
that only hurts women more! Don’t worry about gender at all. You have to get along in a male environment to be an engineer, and the sooner you get used to that the better.

Computer Engineering is a specialization within Electrical Engineering that also draws from Computer Science.

Note that enrollment within a particular engineering discipline does not necessarily correlate with total engineering enrollment. Some schools will be skewed toward some disciplines, while other schools will be skewed towards other disciplines.

Bigger departments tend to provide a wider set of course offerings, and the opportunity for more specialization but larger class sizes and less access to mentoring and undergraduate research. Smaller departments tend to offer fewer courses, but tend to be more interdisciplinary, and offer more access to mentoring and undergraduate research.

Schools with phd programs tend to offer more “leading edge” courses, while small schools without large phd programs tend to offer more “leading edge” teaching methods. (i.e. fewer large lectures).

Schools in “liberal artsy” environments tend to provide more context outside of the engineering domain and more emphasis on communication skills than pure technical institutes.

US news rankings tend correlate to the size of the Phd program for schools that offer a doctorate, while they tend to correlate to the size of the undergrad program for schools that do not offer a doctorate degrees - which may or may nor correlate to what an individual applicant is looking for.

Here is some data (from the ASEE) for the schools you are looking at as well as some other schools to provide context. I don’t think that size is something to be over concerned about with respect to Rose H. unless you are looking for a really big engineering environment like one of the “engineering mega schools”.

Note that these numbers can vary as much as 5% from year to year and the data below is for 2018 while the numbers for Northwestern and Rose H. in my previous post were for 2017. The second CS number for Cal Poly and Rose are for software engineering. The second CS number for Rice and Tufts is for non engineering CS. Northeastern has a non engineering CS but does not break it out separately. H Mudd did not break out CS numbers.

Engineering Enrollment

…Total…Electrical Eng…Computer Eng…Computer Science…Highest degree

US News "Schools that offer doctorate degrees"

G Tech…8427…702…627…2257…Phd




US News "Schools that offer no doctorate degrees"

Cal Poly SLO…6158…640…499…659+253…Masters



H Mudd…577…ABET for General Engineering Only…Bachelors
Olin…341…38…ABET for combined Electrical/Computer…Bachelors

@Mastadon Thanks for all the detailed stats.

In engineering circles there is a saying:

“In God we trust; all others must supply data”