<p>I am a senior as of this moment and I am thinking about possibly transferring in the future out of my future college which is Pace</p>
<p>HS Stats-3.0 GPA as of now, but I will have a 3.6 this year
The reason my grades are so low is because I have had 4 deaths in my family since freshman year and I was left unattended at my house most of the time since my parents were going back and forth to Europe.
SAT-1800, will retake if needed even though nyu wont take the new grades after high school.
Plenty of Ec's with leadership roles in 3 of them.
Decent Comm. Service
I am employed 12 hours a week since freshman year.</p>
<p>I plan on maintaining a 3.75 or higher in Pace, interning this summer at Pricewaterhouse coopers and at a random company during my first 2 years of college.</p>
<p>I am a eastern European minority if that helps.</p>
<p>Evaluate my chances please</p>
<p>Thank you.</p>