Not another chance thread!

<p>Yeah, I’m another in-state high school student wanting your wisdom.</p>

<p>UC GPA: 3.6
SAT I: 1900
Critical Reading: 620
Math: 680
Writing: 600</p>

I haven’t taken any yet, but i do plan to take it for chemistry and US history.</p>

<p>The only notable two classes I have are AP US History and AP Chemistry, both this year.</p>

Pretty empty here.
3 years of cross country and about 100 hours of community service.</p>

<p>My goal is UCSD, but I doubt it. What about UCI?</p>

<p>Any comments appreciated.</p>

<p>You have a good chance at UCI. (Assuming you're taking a good mix of honors and AP classes to get that GPA)</p>

<p>AP Chemistry and AP US History are two only two AP classes I have taken and a total of four honors classes. I do plan to take AP Govt/Econ, AP Bio, and AP Calc AB next year. What are my chances for San Diego though?</p>

<p>I'd say match for UCI and slight reach for UCSD. Your SAT I is decent but your UC GPA is kinda low for UCSD. You need to focus on that... start pulling in A's in your AP/Honors classes. And do well on your SAT II's (don't mess up like I did by not studying for them... -__-).</p>