Not At The Top?

<p>Because I took a few difficult courses that are often regarded as "academic suicide" at my school, I ended up getting a few B's that pushed me down to the second decile at my school (my school does not rank because it is too competitive).</p>

<p>Will the sheer fact of this seriously hurt me when applying to the top 20? Or, will they only be using the ranks to gauge the relative meaning of the GPA at my school?</p>

<p>I've pretty much been ignoring academic risk when it came to selecting courses.</p>

<p>Ask you counselor if he will be indicating on your letter of recommendation that you have taken the "most challenging course load offered" at your school. If the answer is yes, then relax , because top colleges will take that under consideration when reviewing your application.</p>

<p>Ugh. I hate the types of schools that rank but don't weigh grades. Worst combonation!</p>