Not Sending SAT?

<p>I've only taken the ACT once and got a 34. On the SAT, I started off with a bad score (for Yale) of 2060; however, when I retook it as a senior, I got a 2300. Since Yale considers all SAT scores, should I avoid sending the SAT altogether and just go with the 34?</p>

<p>I know how you feel (a 35 and a 2100), but if you improved, be proud of it. I’m pretty sure they’d like the truth. Of course, I’m no admissions officer or expert though.</p>

<p>I have 800s on SAT II’s, but I suck at SAT I :frowning: I asked my GC the same question I asked here, but he just said, “Do whatever you think is best.”</p>

<p>I would send both. </p>

<p>First, unless you send the SAT I, you can’t send the SAT II 800 scores. </p>

<p>Second, I don’t think the lower SAT score will count against you - admissions usually focuses on the best score.</p>

<p>I agree. A 34 looks good, but a 34, a 2300, and a pair of 800s looks better. With all those, I’d expect that the 2060 won’t be held against you.</p>