Not sure which school to choose with the situation I have

<p>Hello, I'm thinking about transferring to different school in my sophomore or junior year..
Right now, I choosing between NYU or TAMU
I know NYU is great school and I'd love to go there, but I'm thinking about transferring and don't want to pay like 52000 for just my freshmen year..
I heard that I'd easier to transfer to better school if you go to eastern coast school, is this true?
and How hard is it to transfer into different school?
Is it kind of like a freshmen admission but harder in transfer admissions?
and is it true that like ivy leagues might not take TAMU credit and there will be a chance that I have to restart my freshmen year?</p>

<p>I need help :(</p>

<p>You have three threads in this section with the same issue. Have some patience.</p>

<p>Uh… It was a mistake… This was originally posted and I think I reposted and submitted twice with different title thinking it hasn’t been submitted;;</p>