Not taking AP exams after listing them on UCs

I listed that I was going to all four of my AP classes on my UC application, but I am not taking one of them. Does this affect my chance of admittance?

Depends on which UC campuses you applied. UCB does consider AP exams scores important during their application review. Are you not taking them due to not receiving AP credit?

Yeah, kind of. I am in AP physics c, and I see that I cannot get a lot of credit for the class. I think it doesn’t even satisfy an entry-level course until I get a 5.

UC’s are more focused on the grades you will receive in the AP classes vs. taking the exams. I always encourage students to follow through and take the exams if possible.

The UC’s take on AP exams:
We recommend that students who complete Advanced Placement courses complete the related AP examination to demonstrate subject mastery.

Except for the money there is no consequence for doing badly on an AP exam, so I’d be inclined to just take it. The curve on the exams is pretty generous. Also, sometimes plans change, and while the original college you attend won’t take an exam, one you transfer to might.

You get graduation credits for 3+. Yes some of your credits, maybe even the majority of your credits aren’t useful for subject credit but there’s no point in not taking the exam.